Goddess 32: Finding Ne-Body

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I'm planning to recreate the cover of the book whattya think? I'll create one or two after I finish this chapter aaaand I'll be posting my suggested covers on the next update! 

P.S Major skip is happening (maybe~)


*Kimiko's PoV*

"Mom!?" I called through the rooms of our kingdom. My voice is echoing on the walls finding for my mother. 

"Sweetie?" I sighed in relief and rush towards mom. She's still here, she's not yet being summoned. 

"I thought you were gone already. But it seems like only your dead body is taken." I said softly. 

"I know, Kimi." She gave me a slight smile. "I hope Akura and Itachi find and defeat Kabuto soon."

"They must." Dad said firmly. "If that guy uses his edo tensei to your mom and Madara then this will be a tough fight for the shinobis." 

"And even Kabuto died, I might still be under control of Madara's grasp." Mom added making my eyes widened. 

"How are we gonna supposed to defeat you!?" I asked. Dad simply shrug his shoulders making me anime fell. 

"The only way I know is to find my body seal it with Gokakukei Seal. Shiru taught you that isn't it?"

"Yes, that is the seal I use to Ku-chan." I said remembering the image of its seal.

"Use it to seal my body if you find it." Dad instructed. "Bring Kurama with you."

I gave them a big hug before going out of the kingdom. In one hand sign, I summon Kurama. He already knew what's going on so he didn't bother to ask any questions. We appeared somewhere in the middle of the forest with Kurama, fuse inside me.

"Ku-chan, do you know any area where we can find Mom's body?" I asked while running through the tall trees. 

"Why don't you try somewhere near Konoha or in Konoha?" Kurama suggested. 

"Great idea." I muttered then started my long travel.

While running and jumping, my mind wander off to the titans who might popped out of nowhere. Well, the forest looks like there will be lots of titans ya know. Maybe I could stumble into one?

Someday, someday.

We reach the borders of Konoha and started looking for a coffin. We entered a small town where mom usually lives but no signs of her body. Using my wind, I flew about the village and check the whole area. I even flew past a cemetery but there are no signs of Mom.

I feel like I'm finding Nemo but a harder version. 

Finding Nemo times 10 I should say.

"It's not here!" Now it's time to panic. Where would Kabuto summon her body!? 

"Try looking somewhere in the forest." 

I look over the whole area not far from Konoha. Caves, mountains, nothing.

"MOOOOOOM!" I shouted. Kurama release a big sigh.

"Idiot." He muttered.

"Hey! Maybe she can hear it and started rampaging on the coffin!" I exclaimed. The sun is shining brightly as I flew farther away from Konoha. 

I kept silent on our mini journey, soaring through the clouds. My eyes wander at the other shinobis who are fighting over familiar reincarnated people and white idk. Marshmallows? 

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