Goddess 14: Rest Day?

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*Kimiko's PoV*

"Dear, wake up." I slowly open my eyes. I look beside my bed seeing it's only 5 am in the morning.

"Is there any problem?" I asked sitting up slowly.

"Change of plans, I won't give you rest day for now." My shoulders slump. I thought this will by my day!

"Why?" I asked internally whining. I want more sleep.

"It turns out I have a mission tomorrow and the other day. You can use those 2 days as your rest but for now, we need to train you. This will only be fast since you're a fast learner. Now, take a bath and eat downstairs." She said. I nodded and grab my towel and clothes.

After bathing, Matatabi woke up. We walk downstairs and ate our breakfast before proceeding to the training grounds where Lady Nashi is waiting.

"I'm sorry to ruin your day. But I'll be out for two days." She apologize.

"It's fine, Lady Nashi! At least I have a 2 day rest!" I giggled softly. We then started our training which to be happen I learned in a few minutes. Fire for me seems easy to control already. And I'm happy with that result.

As we train, I could hear loud explosions in the middle of the forest. Lady Nashi didn't heard it. But I can feel the slight vibrations and hear faint explosions.

Destroying mother nature is bad kids!

"Lady Nashi, can you feel vibrations? Someone is using high explosives in the forest." I said.

"Eh? You're just imagining things." She said. "Continue with training!"

I sighed knowing she won't believe me.

Maybe I can check it tomorrow.


The next day, Lady Nashi is on her mission. She hasn't told me about it but she says it's only an escort mission.

"Kimiko-sama, should we check the explosion?" Matatabi asked.

"I almost forgot. Let's go!" We teleport outside Kumo before running to the location. Judging on how loud I can hear the explosions, it's a little far from here but the bombs use are strong.

And what I saw last night looks like Patrick Star.

Lady Nashi said it was a meteorite. Who would believe such thing about that?

"Kimiko-sama, I could smell dogs and people on the location." Matatabi spoke. "I could also smell the Kyuubi."

"Naruto and the rest are there." I replied. "Let's meet up with them."

"They're going to notice me." She said.

"Trust me. The first time they saw Shukaku, they fell on my lie." I laugh softly. We appeared in the huge clearing with a huge crater in the middle of it.

"Kimiko-chan!" Naruto called. I wave at all of them and appeared in front of Naruto giving him a hug.

"How's your training?" Sakura ask. I hug her as well.

"So far so good." I answered. "You have mission?"

"We are to retrieve Sasuke and currently finding him." Kakashi sensei said.

"Hey, Kimiko, is that your pet?" Kiba asked. I nodded showing Matatabi beside me.

"She's a bakeneko."

"You have a pet Tanuki isn't it?" Yamato sensei asked. I nodded as a reply.

"He's with Gaara for now." I lied. He's in Land of Heavens of course.

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