Guardian 24: Hokage-samas?

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*Kimiko's POV*

Today is the last day of the examination. I watch all the fights that happened. So currently, Naruto won against Neji, Temari won against Shikamaru and last would be Sasuke's and Gaara's fight.

And of course, with sensei, they are late. Blame sensei.

There stood Shikamaru and Naruto waiting for Sasuke to walk in.

Hmm... Something's wrong.

It feels different...

I look over Hokage-sama beside the Kazekage who kind of looks uhh normal?

I saw Gaara walking down the stairs.


Why it feels so different? I can't point it out.

I feel like suffocating into evil lurking around.

"Kimiko?" I turn around seeing sensei behind me. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah." I said looking back at the arena where Sasuke and Gaara are.

"You look pale." He pointed out.

"Oh! Just nervous." I smiled slightly holding on to the railings.

"Sasuke, be careful." I whispered.

"He'll be fine." Sensei heard what I've said I guess.


I hold onto the railing tightly as Gaara started to summon his sand.

Suddenly Gaara clutch his right eye.

"Mother..." He growled. "I fed you some nasty blood earlier. I'm sorry. But this time, it will be delicious."

My head started to ache so I clutch my forehead in pain whimpering.

"Kimiko? Are you really alright?" Sensei asked rushing beside me.

What Gaara is feeling is my feeling too.

It's the Shukaku's doing. And he is actually the most evil beast among 9 of them. And he is the most stubborn beast of them all.

I can't concentrate into the fight because of the pain I am having right now.

"We need to bring you to the hospital." Sensei said with a hint of worry.

"N-No, I'm fine. I-I can just rest here." I said softly trying to ease the pain.

Sensei assist me to one of the chairs and got me a glass of water.

He soothed me by rubbing my back while I whimper in pain.

"Kimiko-chan, are you alright?" Sakura asked.

"Yes, just headache." I said and smiled at her forcefully.

"Kakashi-sensei!" I heard the voice of Naruto.

"Stop this fight right now! He's totally different from us. He is not normal!" He notice it?

"What are you talking about?" Ino asked.

"He lives to kill others!" He exclaimed. "At this rate, Sasuke will die!"

"Don't worry." Sensei said. "He and I weren't late for nothing."

That is the spirit. But Shukaku is in Gaara's body. They don't know.

I heard chirping. I look up seeing Sasuke make his chidori as he run towards the dome.

Gaara's defenses break?

"MY BLOODY BLOOD!!" I feel like my brain is starting to tear into pieces.

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