Goddess 33: Too Late

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*Kimiko's PoV*

Oh come on! Where could she be!? Was mom reanimated already!? Am I too late? 

"Kid, we're late. He finally reanimated Kiku-sama." Kurama said.

"What are we going to do then?" I asked a little worried what is going to happen next. 

"We need to find Kabuto and stop the Edo Tensei or find your reanimated mother and defeat her. Your choice." I frown slightly, torn between two Kurama's suggestions. They are both good ideas after all. 

If I stopped Kabuto and defeat him, there is a hundred percent chance that the reanimated people will disappear along with mom. But my mother is unstoppable for sure. She can kill hundreds of people with her two hands. She's dangerous now that Kabuto is controlling her. 

I could go for the second option. Stopping my mother will be a great decision. At least she won't kill dozens or hundreds or thousands who knows. 

"Let's find mom." I said and start our flight once again. "I wonder where is she summoned to."

"Maybe with Madara?" I shrug my shoulders at his answer. 

"Madara senior or Madara junior?" He groaned as a response rubbing his head using one of his tails.

"Who the fu-"

"No cussing please?" He simply rolled his eyes and laid on the ground. "Madara senior is the real Madara and Madara junior is the fakey. I know you wanted to ask that."

"Do you at least have any idea how to track your mom?" I sat on the flowery field, picking a blue chrysanthemum in the process. 

"This might help. Since mom is the Goddess of Flowers, we can easily track her with chrysanthemums."

"What do you mean?"

"Chrysanthemums are connected to mom. I can actually sense where she is with the help of this flower." I explained as the flower started to glow.

"Smart." I close my eyes concentrating my power to it. I suddenly drop the flower in shock and fear. My eyes open quickly, feeling agitated what is bound to happen next. 

We need to move quickly. 

He's there too...

*Third Person's PoV*

Somewhere faraway from Kimiko and Kurama, the Third Mizukage who's revive from the dead survive the seal used. With the help of his splitting technique, he manage to escape Naruto's basic rasengan.

The third mizukage summon a coffin. The lid burst open, smoke erupted the whole place.

"So it finally happened. It would appear that little brat Nagato managed to grow." The Mizukage's eyes widened, looking at the man in front of him.

"You're- No way." The Mizukage muttered. Just in time another person has appeared. Her blue flower kimono swaying on the wind, her brown eyes can be seen, as if she was not revived. 

"She's too late.." She said softly looking at the men in front of her. 

"With this kind of power that he can even reanimate the both of you with impure world resurrection." Mizukage stated. "You'll be indestructible."

The raven haired guy smirk while the blue haired girl is anxious. Hers and the guy's power will be ruthless, a lot of people will die in their hands. That's what she's sure of. 

"To think one person can reanimate the both of us. He seemed strong." The woman said referring the the user. "But I'm sure someone will stop this madness."

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