[Sequel] Prologue

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Series of emerald green light appeared the two ladies on a clearing. The two pretty ladies are somewhat busy when a tall handsome man appeared.

"How's the training?" The man asked looking at the two ladies in front of him. Judging by their appearance, the lady older than the other seems collective and calm while the other one is tired and will almost lose conscious.

"She's doing better." The brown haired lady with pretty deep ocean blue eyes said.

"Come on dad! I'm almost about to die!" The blue haired girl whine. Her dad chuckled patting her head.

"How about try it one last time?" Her dad suggested. She sighed but nodded anyways.

She flicked her wrist upwards forming two emerald green balls in both of her hands.  She clasp her hands together joining the two spheres causing it to expand more. The sphere expanded until she was envelop bit she form one unfamiliar hand sign and suddenly, the sphere disperse into thin air growing plants around them.

"See? You did it." Her father pat her back while the other girl jump up and down squealing.

"I'm such a great teacher isn't it, sweetie?" The girl asked running up to her.

"Yes you are, mom." The daughter laugh sheepishly remembering the years they've been training.

"That's the last thing I'll be teaching you, Kimiko. You grew to be a fine goddess! I'm so proud of you!!" Her mom hug her.

"Eiji-sama, Kiku-sama, Kimiko-sama!" Someone shouted in the distance. Kiku release her hug from Kimiko and look at the direction to where the voice is.

"Ah, Chimon." Eiji greeted with a smile. "Is there a problem?"

"There is!" Chimon, the God of Wisdom said. "Follow me."

They followed Chimon back to their kingdom. As they reach to where the problem is, Kimiko stop in her tracks.

"Shukaku?" Kimiko walk towards the small version of Shukaku. 

'Yep. They look like pokemons when they enter here.' She giggled at her thought.

"Hey, Kimiko-sama." Shukaku rolled his eyes. An irk mark appeared on Kimiko's head.

"You're lucky that I'm in a good mood today." Kimiko force a smile at the one tailed beast.

"What brings you here?" Eiji asked picking the Shukaku. His size is as large as  the Tanuki's size.

"The Akatsuki extracted me in their weird statue." Shukaku explained.

"In that case..." Kimiko trailed off.

"That brat will be fine." Shukaku interrupted. "There's this old woman who revives people but it cost her life."

"Just like what happen to Isobu and Yagura-san." Kimiko crossed her arms. "Mom, Dad, do you think they'll be after the others?"

"Yes, probably." Kiku answered.

"I think I know the reason why are they doing this." Eiji suddenly spoke.

"What is it, Eiji?" Kiku asked.

"That I'll be keeping in myself for now." Eiji turned his head to his daughter. "Kimi, prepare yourself."


"You'll be training with me starting tomorrow."



Here's the prologue for now! Hope you like it :)

Peace and love,

A Goddess, Their Guardian (Naruto Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon