Guardian 9: Train, train, train

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*Kimiko's POV*

"Balance your physical and spiritual chakra."

"I'm trying okay???"

"You use few chakra! How can you climb a tree?"

"Gaaa!! I just hate trees these days!!" I frowned slumping on the ground. Today, I'm with my mother to train my chakra. 1 hour here is equal to 30 minutes below. I don't get the time cycle. We're just living in the same world!

"Patience.." Mom said calmly. I exhale deeply. I stand up channeling my chakra to the soles of my feet. I close my eyes as I walk slowly through the trunk.

"You did it!!" I heard mom cheered.

"Really?" I opened my eyes seeing that I'm on top of the tree. I grinned walking down back to mom and hug her. "Geez, thanks a lot mom!!! It's like my 400th already!!"

"Now I'll teach you some hand signs. Well, in your case, you probably don't need jutsus since your power is nature. But, since you are there as a genin, I'll teach you the hand signs then you just say an invented name of a jutsu then use your mind to control it!" Mom explained. I nodded happily as she gave me a scroll about the hand signs and let me study it. After a few minutes, I memorize all the hand signs. I made a fast hand signs and think of a name.

"Water style: Water spikes!" Water spikes appeared in front of me and I cheered happily.

"YAAY! I DID IT MOM!! I DID IT!!" I said jumping up and down.

"You're a fast learner, Kimiko. Now return back I'll take my rest." She kissed me on my forehead. I returned back to my body. I opened my eyes and I found myself on a nearby tree. I saw Naruto and Sasuke's still climbing while Sakura is probably guarding Tazuna.

"Let's call it a day." Sensei said. They nodded as they walk away. I look at the tree in front of me and tried to climb. I did succeed..

I walk back for our dinner. I sit down beside sensei and Tsunami as we started to eat.




After we finish our dinner, sensei assigned us into our rooms. 

"We only have three rooms spare." Tsunami said.

"Sasuke, Naruto. You share a room. Sakura and Kimiko, you girls share." Sensei said.

"Sensei, I think it's better to have Kimiko in your room. Just in case you need help." Tsunami suggested. I glared at her secretly. Oh no you don't...

"It's okay. I'll manage." Sensei said. I secretly sighed in relief.

"But sensei, what if your wounds will bleed? It's better to have Kimiko since she's a little skilled in medics." Sakura pointed out. I stayed quiet for the whole conversation not wanting to but in. Sensei looked at me.

"Is it fine with you?" 

".... It doesn't matter. As long as nothing will happen to me." I said walking inside the room. I place my stuffs on the ground and get my pajamas. I went inside the bathroom to have a refreshing shower. I wear my clothes and step out the bathroom. I notice that sensei's reading his pervy book.

"Sensei seriously? You're still reading that one on night?" I said. He just shrug it off so I lay on my futon and sleep.




I woke up when I heard groaning. I look to my right seeing sensei in pain.

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