Part 42

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(Warning: mature content)

"Siddhart you're on next!" Karan yells as he barges into the green room looking extremely stressed as always.

"Yeah, coming!" Siddhart answers.

The green room is now empty, not as crowded as it was before. Just me and Kiara. The others are backstage watching the show.

"That's it. Last performance of our second last show." Kiara comes and stands next to me and I drink some water.

"I know right? I mean the time just flew by. Our last show is in two weeks. Then what?"

"That's what I've been thinking. Then what?" she says softly and walks away leaving me with my thought.

'Then what?' is really a scary question. I walk to the sofa in the corner of the room and just lie down. This can't be it, can it? There has to be more to it. Go back to the boring old life in India. But this time there won't be any Dazzlings, this was the last time we were gonna do something together as a group. When we go back to India, everyone's gonna go back to their own path, doing what they want. But what do I want? Why does everything have to be bloody complicated in my life?

I let out a heavy sigh and close my eyes in frustration. I wish making decisions was as easy as choosing food from a menu. What am I talking about? Even that is a difficult decision for me to make, I always end up ordering the same food. I sigh heavily, closing my eyes.

I could stay here and do modelling, It will definitely be exciting to try to try something new. And in the past two weeks, I have thought loads about it and came to a conclusion that I would be messaging Charlie once I reach L.A. for the last show. Aliya, Aditya, Dad and even Ayaan are really happy with my decision and they're being very supportive. In fact, Aliya decided to stay here with me, just for moral support and also cause she has nothing to do in India. Harry and Emma too were very excited when I told them that I would be giving it a shot. We've planned to meet in L.A. as One Direction will be having their show there sometime in the next two weeks.

Knock Knock

"Come in." I say as I hear a knock on the door.

"Hey, Aditi." It's Tom, our security manager. Tom's a large, bulky muscular man, probably in his late 30's, who I noticed, has been acting very weird lately.

"I noticed you weren't out there. Just wanted to check if everything was okay?" Tom asks as he enters the green room. What is he doing here? Shouldn't he be busy with the security, since the show has almost come to an end?

"Yeah, just tired." I tell him as I sit up, sensing something wrong.

"Oh, Okay." He says and turns around, closing the door behind him. I then hear the click sound. Did he just lock the door?

"Um, Tom. What are you doing?" I ask him standing up and start looking for my phone. Where did I keep it?! My eyes scan the room and I find it lying on the table on the other side of the room. Damn it!

"I've been wanting to talk to you, Aditi, for a very long time." Tom walks closer, slowly, "I've been wanting to tell you that you're very beautiful and how much I want you to be mine."

This is wrong. I look at him and his expression makes my stomach churn. His eyes look glassy, not the usual brown eyes. He looks at me darkly, his stare sending shivers down my spine. My heart starts beating fast, as he moves closer. I move back but the back of my legs hit the sofa and my knees bend. I need to get out of here!

"You have no idea what all goes through my mind every time I see you. When I came to know that your good-for-nothing boyfriend left, I was over joyed. I wanted to tell you right then and there, about my feeling, about how much I love you. But then, I didn't want you to freak out."

"Tom, look..." I start moving to the side, slowly sliding against the wall, trying to get to the door. Just a few more steps.

"I didn't finish!" I jump as he glares at me angrily. I shut my mouth and stop. His stare scaring me.

Tom suddenly starts chuckling, "Sorry, sweetheart. Didn't mean to shout." He says looking at me. He then very slowly walks towards me. I am flat against the wall. My head turns towards the door and then back to him. I have to run. But before I could move, Tom is very close to me, so close that I can smell the horrid alcoholic breath. His hand comes up to my face as he slowly caresses it. I turn my face, not wanting him to touch it. His other hand goes to my waist as he squeezes it tight.

"So beautiful." He whispers, as he moves his lips closer to my ear. I can feel my heart thumping in my chest.

"T-Tom.....p-please. You're hurting me. " I put my hand on his chest trying to shove him away, but he just wouldn't budge.

"Oh baby, you'll be begging for more." he says with a devilish smirk on his face. He moves his face, so that he is looking directly in my eyes.

"Tom, please let me go. This is not right." I tell him as tears start forming in my eyes. I start hitting him blindly with my hands, tears making my vision blurry. But he still doesn't seem affected by my continuous battering.

One of his hands, pins both of my hands above my head, while the other keeps moving south, lower and lower till it reaches the buttons of my jeans. I keep squirming and moving my body, trying to shake his filthy hands of me, but it didn't stop him. His hands disappear into my jeans and I squeeze my legs shut.

"NO! TOM!"

He laughs menacingly, "Oh! You're begging is totally turning me on babe. I've been wanting to do this since the very first day. Since the day I laid my eyes on you." He moves his lips to my neck, sucking it lightly, just above my collar bone.

"Tom! No! Please! HELP! SOME....." I shout as loud as I can, but Tom covers my mouth tightly, my hands still pinned above my head.

"Don't make this harder, you bitch!" He shouts and slaps me hard across my face. I cheek starts to burn and sting. I sob hard not knowing what to do.

I have to do something! Knee him! And my knee does exactly that. I knee him hard in the crotch.

"AHH!" Tom falls to the ground, grunting in vain.

Run! Without looking back I run for the door, but before I could reach it, I feel Tom grasp my ankle and I fall, head first, flat on the ground. My head spinning from the impact. Black spots cover my vison making it difficult for me to stand up. I can still make it. I have to make it! The door is just a few inches away! I try to get up on my knees, but fall again.

Tom's grasp is still tight on my ankle.

"LET. ME. GO!" I kick his hand away with my other leg and try to get on my knees. My head starts spinning from the impact earlier and makes it impossible for me to stand up. Once I'm on my feet, I stumble to the door, wincing in pain as I make every move. I fumble with the handle, my eyesight blurring up, but not because of the tears building up, but because everything starts to fade out.

"Enough!" Tom grabs my hair and hits my head on the door, hard. A sharp pain shoot through my head as darkness takes over, with only a whisper coming out of my mouth.


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