Part 24

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I'm in the car with Harry, who insisted on driving me back to my hotel. I ended up wearing my jeans from last night and Harry let me borrow one of his T-shirts, which was too big for me, so I tucked it into the jeans. We had breakfast down in the hotel's restaurant.

And no, we didn't kiss. The thought of Salman, made me feel horrible about myself. I had to scold myself for even thinking about kissing Harry, who I don't even know that well. We've just met a few times and I already want to kiss him. This is not me! He makes me feel things that I can't describe. Things that I don't feel when I am with Salman. I don't know what am I going to tell Salman? Should I tell him that I almost kissed Harry? What if he breaks up with me? But I know Salman. He trusts me and is very understanding. But didn't I just break his trust? I wanted to kiss Harry back in his hotel room. I shouldn't have felt that way, if I truly love Salman.

I shake my head, of course I love him!

"What are you thinking?" asks Harry as he drives with his hand on the steering wheel.

"Nothing." I lie.

"You're not a very good liar, you know?" he smiles down at me.

"I know." I chuckle awkwardly as I start playing with my fingers, which I noticed I do a lot when I am around Harry. I just become speechless.

"So tell me. What were you thinking?" he persists.

"Nothing important. Seriously." I lie again.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me." he looks ahead as he drives. "But if you don't mind, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, sure."

"How long have you been in a relationship with your boyfriend?"

"Oh, um....We've been in a relationship for a year now."

"That's nice." he smiles at me.

"What about you? Are you in a relationship?" I ask him as curiosity gets the best of me.

He simply smirks at me.

"What's wrong?" I ask him as my eyebrows crunch up.

"No, I am not in a relationship." he shakes his head as he smiles.

"Oh, okay." I reply.

"Here we are.....shit!" Harry exclaims, after a while as we stop in front of my hotel. There were a lot of paps here as well who were trying to get into the hotel but were stopped by the guards at the entrance.

"How did they....?" I am in shock as I see a big group of paparazzi, though not as many as last night.

Harry groans in frustration and runs his fingers through his hair. "I don't know. Let's go through the back entrance. They must have a parking entrance." he says.

He drives around the building, to the back of the hotel, to get into the parking. Thankfully, there weren't many, only four-five of them. Harry, easily drives into the parking entrance and parks his car near the elevator.

As we get out of the car and walk towards the elevator and wait for the doors to open, one of the paparazzi yells out, "That's Harry Styles! And the mystery girl from last night!" And just then, I see more and more people joining. People yelling, screaming and shouting at us to look at them.

"This way Harry!"

"Who is the mystery girl!?"

"Harry look here!"

"Keep your head down." Harry tells me calmly.

We wait restlessly for the doors of the elevator to open. As soon as the doors opened with a ping, Harry holds my elbow and drags me in.

"They don't leave you alone, do they?" I ask him as I press the button of my floor.

"Nope." he said.

"Thank you for the ride." I tell him again. He rolls his eyes at me.

The elevator stops at the lobby and two teenagers get in. They were definitely excited about something as they were squealing.

"He's here! I can't believe it. The Harry Styles is in our....." squeals one of the teenager but stops as soon as her eyes lands on Harry.

"Elevator." gapes the other teenager and finishes her friend's sentence.

"Harry!!" The both cry and tears start falling down their young faces.

"Could we please take a selfie!?" they cry in unison.

"Sure. I'd love to." replies Harry and shows them his signature, dimpled smile. The girls stand in front of Harry and click selfies on their phones.

"Do you want me to take one?" I ask politely as I smile at them.

"Yes please!" They both hand me their phone and I take a few shots.

"Thank you Harry! We love you so much!" one of the girls starts sobbing.

"I love you too. But please don't cry." Harry hugs the girl and gives her a squeeze. But the girl only sobs harder. Just then the door pings open.

"Let's go Eve. Mom is waiting for us." says the other girl.

"Bye Harry." They say together and Eve slowly let go of Harry.

"Bye girls. Love you and take care!" Harry shouts as the girls get out and the door closes.

I am in love with the way Harry treats his fans. The way he makes them feel as if he has known them for years. The love he spreads. It's not only Harry, but the other members of the band are also the same. Last night I remember very clearly, the way the boys took pictures with their fans and calmed them down and were so kind and patient. Now I know why Aliya loves them so much.

We stand in awkward silence till the doors opens again at my floor. We get out slowly and I walk to my room. I pull out my room's key card from my purse and swipe it under the reader, which immediately shows a green light and I push open the door. We get inside but there's no one in.

"You live alone? As in, you're not sharing your room with anyone?" Harry asks as he looks around the living room.

"They must be down, I think for breakfast." I reply, it's only nine now.

"You're sharing the room with Salman?" Harry questions as if he is trying to know more about my relationship with Salman.

"No. I am sharing it with Aliya. Please sit." I tell him kindly.

"Oh. Okay." he says skeptically as he takes his seat on the sofa.

"I know, sounds weird right? Me, having a boyfriend and not sharing a room with him?" I chuckle as I look at him. I sit down on the single couch, on the right.

"No, it isn't weird." he says, but continues, "Okay, maybe it's a bit weird." he smiles.

I laugh at his reaction, "I get that a lot."

Just then the door opens and Aliya enters.

"Aditi!" she cries and hurries towards me. I get up and we both embrace each other.

"I just say the paparazzi outside our hotel and I knew you were coming and I got worried....." she starts blabbering.

"Aliya." I cut her off, "I'm fine, thanks to Harry." I smile down at Harry.

He stands up and says, "No problem. I kept my promise, didn't I? Brought her back safe and sound." he winks at Aliya.

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