Part 9

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Aditi's POV

It had been a few weeks and the practice was going just great. Karan told us that we were going to be travelling in a week. Everyone's flights were booked, except mine. While everyone was making their way to the States, I have to sit behind and submit my third year assignments, which I completely forgot to finish.

"But Pops! I can submit my assignment next semester! I have to go!" I whine as I saw Aliya packing her bags.

"No, Aditi. Not till you complete and submit your assignments. And I'm not stopping you; you can go once you've submitted the assignments. And plus, Ayaan's summer break will start by then, he can tag along with you." he says, as if trying to tell me that it's no big deal if I got there a week later.

Like a teenager, I went stomping back into my room and immediately start working on the stupid assignments, with a determination to finish them as fast as I could.

And just like that a week flew by. I completed all my assignments and submitted them one day before the due date, of which I feel immensely proud of. Though I have no idea what I wrote, but at least it's submitted.

I booked tickets for myself and Ayaan and our flight leave at four the next morning. It's now six in the evening and I am packing my bags and Ayaan's at the same time.

"Where is our ticket?" he asks as he sits on the edge of my bed.

"In my purse." I reply, pointing to my purse which in on the bed next to the suitcase.

He digs into my purse and pulls out the tickets and looks at it, "First class all the way to Dubai, this is going to be awesome."

"But why Dubai? I thought we were going to the States?" he asks looking confused.

"We are going to London via Dubai and the day after tomorrow we will be heading for States. Dad wants us to spend some time together, that's why we are going to London." I shrug as I close the suitcase and Ayaan helps me zip it up.

After a quick and light dinner, we took a quick nap and were up by half past eleven.

"Urgh, I wanna sleep," Ayaan yawns as he carries our suitcases down to the hall.

"We can get some shut eye on the plane." I say in hurry as I rush down the stairs along with him, making sure I closed all the switched and that all main water and electricity switch board was closed.

Ayaan got the bags in the Uber and now I was checking off things off my list.

"Mobile and chargers?" I ask.

"Check." Ayaan says after looking into his back pack.

"Passports and tickets?"




"Two Suitcases?"


"I guess that's it." I smile and get into the car. Finally it's happening. I am on my way to make my dream come true.

We reach the airport three hours prior to our flight. The airport wasn't busy so we got through baggage and immigration pretty quickly.

"I'm starving." I say as we roam around the duty free.

"Me too. Let's go to the food court." Ayaan suggests and made our way to the food court which was minutes away from our gate.

After a good early morning breakfast, we sit on one of the airport lounge seats, to stretch our legs for a bit, feeling extremely exhausted and sleepy now that our stomachs are full.

"This is the final call for passengers on Flight EK301 to Dubai. Please proceed to gate three immediately."

"This is the final call for passengers on Flight EK301 to Dubai. Please proceed to gate three immediately."

"What's our flight number?" asks Ayaan. We both have been sitting here scrolling through Facebook and Instagram absentmindedly.

I fish into my purse for the boarding pass and look for the flight number.

"It's, EK301." I say.

"Was that announcement for EK301?"

We look at each other and the next second grab our bags off the floor and literally sprint to get to the gate. We run, dodging and pushing people put of the way.

Finally within minutes, we reach the gate, panting and sweating.

"You're late Miss Sharma." the lady at the counter gives me a side eye as she scans our boarding passes.

"Sorry, we kinda lost track of our time." I give her a sheepish smile. The lady hands me back the boarding pass and we walk through the tunnel and the strange aero plane smell fills my nostrils. We are greeted by two air hostesses at the door and one of them guides us to our seats.

"9A and 9B, right here." she points to the seats on the last row of the plane. 9A is a window seat whereas 9B is the aisle seat.

"Uh, you take the window." I mutter, my fear of heights getting the best of me.

"Scaredy-cat" teases Ayaan as he puts his backpack in the storage above.

"Whatever, just sit down already." I tell him impatiently. After her gets in, I sit down and take out my mobile from my purse and shove the purse under my seat.

I put on the seatbelt and adjust the strap, to make it tight and secure, "Here we go."

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