Part 25

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It had been a few weeks since the concert and since I last saw Harry. We've been really busy with the practice.

We've been practicing for almost three weeks straight. We came here a month ago. And it still feels like we haven't done anything. Since this is our first performance, we were given three weeks, otherwise we have been given only two weeks before every performance.

Karan has asked us to do something new at every show so that each performance is different from the other.

Well our performance is tomorrow and we still have one more song to be properly choreographed. We've been taking it very lightly. But as the days are passing by, this is becoming really pressurizing.

Our schedule has become really hectic and tiring. After having a good breakfast at the hotel, we head towards the dance studio where we practice till afternoon. After lunch, we get a small break of two- three hours. Then we head towards the arena, where we practice again which helps us knowing how things are gonna work on the day of the performance.

In the past two weeks we haven't gotten enough time to hang out together. As soon as we are done with our practice, the only thing that we wanna see next, is our bed, at least that's what I wanna see. We haven't been able to explore Houston. All of us were a little bumped. But at the same time we want everything to be perfect and want to nail this show and give it our hundred percent.

Beep beep.
Beep beep.
Beep beep.

I groan as I hear the alarm go off. I am on my stomach and I stretch my hand out to turn off the stupid alarm on my phone which is on the side table. I blindly keep looking but I can't feel it in my hands.

Beep beep.
Beep beep.
Beep beep.

"Argh!" I get up angrily and look at the table. My phone wasn't there.

Beep beep.
Beep beep.
Beep beep.

"Where is it?" I hiss in annoyance and I desperately look for it. I get off my bed and I see a light blinking between the bed and the side table. Oh great!

Beep beep.
Beep beep.
Beep beep.

It's really getting on my nerves. I squeeze my hand in between the small space and successfully grasp my phone which was still beeping. I turn off the alarm and sit on the floor going through Facebook and Instagram which is my daily morning routine. Then I check my messages. I received a message from Dad, a goodnight message from Salman, and a message from an unknown number.

Private number: Hi Aditi. All the best for today. We've already grabbed our VIP tickets. Can't wait!

"VIP tickets? H?" I murmur to myself, thinking about who this H would be.

Me: Sorry, but who's this?

I reply and toss my phone on the bed as I get up. I go to my cupboard and take out my gym clothes. I've been getting up at five for my morning workout. I usually used to get up around seven or eight but now because of the hectic schedule, I've been getting up much early.

I phone beeps and I walk to my bed. It's a message from the same number.

Private Number: Hahaha...forgot me so easily. It's only been two weeks. 😛

Two weeks? My eyes linger over the H and then I suddenly remember. It's Harry, of course! I immediately add his number to my contacts and reply.

Me: Harry! How can I forget you? I just didn't have your number. I'm glad you bought the tickets! I hope you'll like the show.

I hit send and I get a quick reply.

Harry: Of course I'll enjoy the show. All the best!

Me: Thank you!

Me: Wait! How did you get my number?

Harry: I have my ways babe. 😉

Babe....I read the word over and over again. I shake my head and toss the phone back on the bed and I quickly get dressed and head out of my room. I go to the elevator, press the up button and wait for it to come to my floor. Just I heard the door shut which made me jump. I turn around and see Siddhart coming my way with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Sorry." He says. He is dressed in gym shorts and a loose T-shirt.

"It's okay." I shrug my shoulders and smile, "I'm really jumpy."

The elevator doors then open with a ping and we enter in.

"So, you're a morning person, I see." he looks at me with a smile.

"Not really." I tell him, "It's just that there's no time. And with all the junk food I've been hogging up, I might lose touch in my dancing and Karan might have to kick me out." I chuckle and he just laughs.

"Oh, you're one of the best! I don't think you'll ever lose touch." He winks at me which causes me to blush.

Sometimes, there are days where you are trying to savour every moment, but you just can't. Right now we are in the basement of the Toyota Centre and everything is so hectic that we can't even take a deep breath. There are people running from one room to the another, taking care of costumes, hair, make-up, sound and God knows what all. I'm here in the green room, helping The Dream Team remember their steps at the last moment. They look great. Their hair, costume and make-up are on point and they all look ready to go, but they're nervous at the same time. It's not only them but us as well. The whole day I wasn't able to eat a thing. I couldn't even swallow anything thinking about their performance.

We can also hear the cheers of the crowd which is making us even more nervous and anxious.

"Ready? Varun, you're up in five, followed by Alia. You know your schedule right? Just follow it accordingly." says Tom bossily, who is handling the shows. He has an ear piece through which he has been talking to so many people since we reached here. He looks old, maybe in his late thirties or early forties, but is really really active. He's made all the arrangements perfectly.

"All the best!" we tell Varun on unison.

"Thank you. All the best to you guys too!" with that he leaves.

"Can we go on the stage? I mean like backstage?" asks Kiara.

We all nod our heads together, wondering if all of us could see our hard work.

"Yeah sure. Why not? Go ahead. If we need anything, we'll let you know." says Karan distractedly as he types away on his phone.

We go back upstairs and stand right behind the side walls of the stage and watch Varun talking to the crowd before the first song plays.

Here goes.....

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