Chapter 13: St. Mungo's

Start from the beginning

"That's an emergency then! Get him into my office!" The witch exclaimed.

The Doctor was hurried in. "I'm Tabitha Willow, nice to meet you all. Please wait outside as I treat my patient, oh, and Poppy, I'm going to need your help," The witch now Tabitha entered her office but leaving the door open for Pomfrey.

"Minerva, Filius, you both go back to Hogwarts first, I'll be back," Poppy immediately goes inside after that statement.

"Well I guess we're going back," Flitwick said.


The Doctor was laid down on a bed, his sweating had worsened. "When he came in I quickly checked his heartbeat, and it's very odd and irregular. Do you know about this?" Tabitha asked Pomfrey.

"Well, yes I do. But promise me you won't tell this information, to anyone," Tabitha nodded so Pomfrey started explaining.

"So that's how it is..." Tabitha's face turned concerned. "So you only managed to heal the wound, but the poison didn't come out. Here, the only thing I can do is we have to bleed out all the poison," Tabitha paused. "But this is a very dangerous procedure after I bleed you out. I will reverse the effects of the cuts that I made to close up the cuts."

"Just... Anything... Please..." The Doctor whimpered with what seems like his last breath.

"We have to be quick," Tabitha looked at Pomfrey and she nodded.

"MEDICORUM SECARE!" Tabitha waved her wand at the Doctor. The Doctor's body was getting cuts all over, bleeding out all his blood.

"Poppy extract the poison now! Use the spell then use this!" Tabitha handed over a magical device.

"VENENUM REVALARE!" Bright little glimps started appearing in his blood revealing where all the poison was scattered. "Use it quickly!" Tabitha shouted.

Pomfrey put the device in one of the streams of blood from the Doctor's body, and all the little bright glimps started shifting towards the device soon getting sucked into it. 

"NOVIS!" Tabitha yelled and waved her wand again. The Doctor's wounds started closing up and all the blood streamed in reverse back into his body.

"We did it! That was the second time it was successful!" Tabitha shouted.

"He's going to need time to rest. Let him stay here for a day or two," Tabitha said to Pomfrey.

"He should."

Right at that moment golden colored energy started emitting from the Doctor's body outwards. The warmth of the energy quickly spread through the room.

"Poppy! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Tabitha was scared. "I don't know! I've never seen him do this!" Pomfrey answered.

They both stood next to each other almost cuddling. Both of them readied up their wands, and- 

The Doctor woke up with an explanation that was cut off, with a pant of pain. He sat up straight in his bed.

"Thank you..." The Doctor looked straight down on himself. "Ugh! What am I wearing?!"

Still in shock, Tabitha finally gained some strength to say something. "Hospital robes? What happened there? How did you? Wha-?" The whole room was very confused. Except the Doctor of course.

"Well," He said elongating it, "I'm a Timelord I regenerate, except I didn't my body just tried to speed up the recovery and it worked."

"Also, any evidence of me being here: destroy it. I don't need you having my DNA and destroying how this timeline goes," The Doctor said as he put on his ripped up suit.

"Oh, that's not good. I have to go back to the TARDIS and get a new suit or rather! REPARO!" He flicked his wand and the pinstriped suit started filling up its holes.

"There we are! Thank you, Tabitha you say your name was, let's go back then," The Doctor gave a look to Madam Pomfrey. "You go first, Mr. Smith."

The Doctor nodded and left the room. "That was horrible! Since when the Silurians had that kind of poison? Well since when did any race know how to make some kind of remedy to stop the regeneration process," the Doctor walked into his TARDIS after calling it with the key. 


That one was done before I expected it to be done. Nice! I'm faster than the schedule, that's always nice, knowing that I'm not late is nice.

Anyways please leave feedbacks and comments.

Stay not so tuned peeps--

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now