Chapter Thirty Six: Star gazers

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"I want some more!" The both yell in unison as they shoot glares at each other. Laughing lightly I move more into Kakashi's body, as Naruto as Sasuke both throw up at the same time. Clamping my hand over my mouth, I feel my self pale. Kakashi's arm wrapping around me, he quickly rubs my shoulder in support. Feeling his gloved hand on my shoulder, my blood rushes to me face.

"K-Kakashi Sensei, I'm fine. I work in the hospital all the time. I'm used to seeing stuff like this." I say as I slowly unclamp my hand from my mouth.

"Then tell me why you look like your going to throw up after seeing Naruto throw up." Kakashi teased as he rub my shoulder slowly.
Blushing even more, I take my hand on his and move it from my shoulder.

"Oh shut up and stop messing with me Kakashi Sensei. Naruto, Sasuke, drink some water please! And don't leave without cleaning this up." I demand to them both, giving them pointed looks. Sakura getting irritated she stands up slamming her hands down on the table.

"Don't eat so much if your gonna puke it up! And Kakashi Sensei, stop annoying (Y/n)!" Nodding I slowly reach over to Naruto and rub his back.

"Yes, please listen to us females in the group. We tend to know things." Coughing lightly I slowly slip in a word, "superiority."

"I.. have to eat." Sasuke grumbled to me and Sakura as he began wiping his mouth, and turning to glare at Naruto.

"And, I have to eat more than him. It's the only possible way I'll get strong enough to beat him." Naruto grumbled as he also turned back to glare at Sasuke.

"That's true, but puking won't help you." Kakashi mused as he crosses his arms across his chest, nodding his head up and down.

All knowing Kakashi Sensei huh? Please, you can fool them, but not me.

An irk mark appearing on my head I raise my hand and hit Kakashi on the head, "oh shush! Just give them some good advice would you! Like a normal Sensei would!" I yell at him as my chest heaved up and down with anger. Kakashi holding his head grumbled at me.

"You can't hit the crippled (Y/n), never the less, your crippled Sensei!" Sitting down back in my spot I shake my head and remain quiet.

"Sometimes I wonder why I like to spend time with my team." Looking at the table I wait for everyone to finish their meals before I collect the dishes. "I'll help clean the dishes. The least I can do for you after Naruto, Sasuke, and my behavior earlier." Taking the dishes I leave the cups out for the tea still on the table. Walking over I place the dishes in the sink. Before I could even start the water, I feel Inari's mom next to me. Looking up I smile nervously, letting a laugh slip out.

"You're are guest (Y/n). Please sit." She smiles at me. Shaking my head no, I look at her pleadingly. "Fine. I'll wash, you dry. Okay?"

Nodding I bow swiftly, "thank you very much."
Cleaning the dishes we silently work on it as the table settles down and Sakura moves about the room. With the house being nice and calming, I slowly release a breathe awaiting for when Sakura breaks the silence.

"Excuse me, this picture is torn. Is there some reason for that? Inari, you kept glancing at it all through dinner. It looks like there was someone else in the picture, but they got torn out. I mean, that's kind of strange, isn't it?" Sakura probed as her body faced the torn picture hung on the wall, and her curious glance on the two family members sitting at the table.

Sighing I shake my head. "Sakura you can't go and ask questions about people's personal life like that. Please excuse me, I must go do something." Using the awkwardness as an excuse, I speed walk out the room. Leaving to find Haku.

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