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"Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touched."

For those who don't know that quote, it's from the move "Remember Me" with Robert Pattinson. This quote has really made me start thinking about things I do and I wondered if I had ever left a fingerprint in someone's life. Then I thought about my writing. I feel like through it, I have left a fingerprint in at least someone's life just because they read my stories. I like to think that someone in my fans list has me as a fingerprint in their life. Even if it's just one person. But I want to make more of that and once school starts, I think that that quote will guide me. I hope it guides one of you too. It's an inspiring quote and has became my favorite. And something else, all of you in some way have left a fingerprint in my life. Just by reading my stories and making me feel confident that I am a good at writing something. So thank you. <3 Kayla

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