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Ok. So yes I'm co-writing a story with Aloe (caracat). It's a surpise to what it's gonna be but I think everyone will like it. But I'm thinking about having another co-writing story. I'm bored and it's summer and I have nothing to do so why not? So this is it. An application or something to co-write a story with me. It should be a fanfiction, I'm kind of out of ideas for anything dealing with the Weasley men (except Charlie), but I'm in for Draco/Hermione or anything else. Or we can do an original story. But I'm fully for Draco/Hermione (I'm a huge Dramione shipper). But we can do other fanfictions too like Gilmore Girls, Vampire Diaries, Glee, Across the Universe, or Charmed. Those are just some I'm willing to do. If you have another idea, talk to me but I won't write anything on One Direction. I like them but not a fangirl. Here's some questions for the applications:

1. Full Name and Wattpad Username:

2. Stories you've written so I can check out your writing style:

3. Ships (for possible fanfic reasons):

4. Fandoms (same as above):

5. Ideas for a story we can write together:

Send your answer to these questions to my email (yes. No spelling mistakes. Not gmail. mail.) or put it in my inbox here or the Facebook page. I'll give every considerations and if I don't choose you now, there's always next summer. Can't wait to hear from you! <3 Kayla

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