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Earlier today Alison and Marcel took the kids including Bryce. Which was something Marcel wasn't to fond of but Alison convinced him to. "Everyone Ready to go" Marcel asked. "Yeah" Triston shouted. Getting scolded by Alison, Marcel caught a glance at Alison as his eyes looked back at the road.

The older kids Isak Violet and Hanax were squished together in the back.as Triston and Bruce Whatever is name is sat in the middle seats. I still don't get why they invited that dead beat of a man on this trip. May I remind you that I planned it and here he comes strutting along into our lives again.

Alison glanced over at me as I drove she noticed something in me that caused a look of worry. "Something wrong Love" Alison asked. "I'll explain later" I said. Continuing to drive along the never ending road of Greece.

Once getting to the tour sight everyone got out. "Where are we Dad" Hanax asked. "We are in Sparta" I said. "Oh boy sight seeing" Hanax said. Making Triston laugh as a smirk fell on Hanax' face. "Cmon we never get to do anything like this we're going to have fun" I said.

"Are there any bars around here" Bryce asked. "Does it look like it" I said. "Obviously I brought my own Flask" Bryce said. Popping the lid open as he brought the flask to his lips. "Don't you think you should be sober around your biological daughter" I said. "She's Fine" Bryce said. "Don't you think that your being a bad influence on her she's your daughter anyway" I said.

"She was my daughter she's not anymore she belongs to two fags" Bryce said. That's when I lost all control and wanted to snap the bastards neck. "Alison take the kids on the tour" I said. Alison quickly rushed everyone away leaving Bryce and I.

"How dare you say that" I shouted. "Easy take a drink all Your problems will go away mine did" Bryce said. "Take your head out of your ass and be the father figure Violet thinks you are" I said. "I don't care about her" Bryce said. "What did you just say" I asked. "I don't care about her did you hear me now sweatervest" Bryce said.

Looking around for anyone who could possibly see me before I said the next thing. Looking back at Bryce a sly smirk was on his face. Watching him take a sip of the flask again.

"How dare you say that about her I may be her uncle and I may not be a strong alpha, but I care a lot about Hanax Isak Violet and Triston, I promised myself if anything happened to them I would be devastated, for one those kids are my world they are my top priority when I'm not working if anything happens to her or any of them I'll be right there for them unlike you a deadbeat dad who wants to get drunk all the fucking time i suggest you shape up" I said.

Just as things were about to go to plan Bryce's fist met my face. Causing a black eye to form, Bryce swung again as i got back up. "Get up fight me like the Alpha you are or are you to scared" Bryce said. Shooting up to my feet as i knocked him to the ground. "I'm not weak or scared so you can shut your fucking mouth" I said. Bryce's hands went flying hitting my face causing a nose bleed. Not caring as blood fell down my face, "Aw are you gonna cry" Bryce mocked.

Bryce pushed me off this time punching me harder as my glasses flew off my face. Leaving me without sight as i used my other senses such as hearing. "Blind boy can't fight without his glasses how pathetic" Bryce said. As i heard him coming from behind my fist flew up hitting him in the nose. Or so i thought, His hand caught my wrist as he jabbed at my stomach sending me to the floor. Everything went blurry as my vision failed even more.

Just as i thought every thing was done a jab was taken at my stomach once more by Bryce's foot as he kicked me hard and brutal. "You'll never be a strong alpha" Bryce said. As soon as he said that something awoke in side of me struggling as i got up from the ground. Blood dripped from my nose falling to the ground. Following the voice as i got closer to him.

"Oh does the weak alpha want to fight some more" Bryce said.

Punching at his throat with another straight to his stomach sending him to fall to the floor. Groans left his lips as he laid there in pain. Kneeling down to him as i said.

"Don't ever call me weak or i will hurt you even worse" I said.




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