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Teamed up with a awesome person on writing this chapter, @SignOftheTimesLarry thank you once again for helping me.

Louis's Pov

Later during the day Marcel and Alison were out going to a couple shops when a man approached the house. "Fletcher who is that" I asked. "I don't know but don't move until i say to" Fletcher said. I nodded while staying in my seat. Fletcher grabbed a gun and put it close by.

"state your business" Fletcher said. "My names Dean i know where Violet is" Dean said. "How do you know she's missing who do you work for" Fletcher asked. "Word goes around like wild fire the whole population of England knows about her being missing" Dean said. "You didn't complete my question, Now who do you work for" Fletcher said. "You want the truth fine, I used to be in the Anti army then left becuase i didn't want that life anymore, The anti's also killed me mum and dad for not joining the army leaving me with no one" Dean said.

"I still don't believe you, No one can just leave when they join the Anti's" Fletcher said. "Well i did and i know exactly where there keeping her" Dean said. "Fletcher put the gun down let the man come in" I said.

Dean strolled past Fletcher with a grin on his face. "You know where there keeping Violet" I asked. "I do" Dean said. "Well tell us" I said. "It's a town controlled by the Anti's" Dean said. "What town" Fletcher asked. "Ridge Port" Dean said. "I can't go believe this" I said. "We have to leave tonight in order to make it by morning" Dean said. "But wait Lou i still don't trust this guy i mean no one leaves the Anti's" Fletcher said. "Well i do and i say let's go" I said.


Harry's POV

"Sir we have word from a man who knows where Violet is" David said. "Who is it" I asked. "A man by the name of David Olsen he's a 22 year old male that ran away from the Anti's, cause of reason for the run away nothing" David said. "Get him here now i need to speak to him" I said. "To late sir we already told him where Louis was staying" David said. "Are you bloody mad man why would you tell him that i mean who knows what this man is capable of for all we know he could be a ax murder for fuck sake" I said.

"Sir relax alright it's going to be alright" David said. Right then and there the last inch of cool snapped inside of me. "Is it alright David, is it really because last time i checked it's not. You wanna take a good fucking guess on why not. Hmm no guesses well i'll tell you exactly fucking why. the reason why is because i'm stressed the fuck out of my god damn mind right now for two reasons. One My daughter got kidnapped by the Anti's and Two is the threats that the Anti's keep hurling at me like a game of tennis." I said.

Looking at David's face he looked shocked at the things i said. "Well it doesn't seem to be alright sorry for caring so much" David said. David walked away with sadness in his heart as i just stood there watching him walk away. Part of me wanted to tell him sorry but the other part just wanted to keep quiet. I should've listened to the smart part of me.

After the little rant i had with David i decided to walk back to my office. Opening the door i walked in and sat down. Grabbing my labtop. Opening the Lab top i went to find video's of Luna and i. On of the video's was one of us back in the early days of our Relationship.

I laughed I cried and most of all I felt how much Love Luna and I shared over the year. "Oh Luna why can't you come home I miss you so my sweet beautiful butterfly" I said. Checking the time which read 1:30am. Getting up I went to bed.

Getting to my room loneliness took over as I got into the duvet. It's been hard to sleep without him but I am strong enough for him. But when I shut my eyes all I slip into the dream world. Where I can dream all about my Luna and how beautiful he would be pregnant.

Wait did I for real just dream that. Oh who cares it's my part of the story. Anyways I'm guessing this is the end of the chapter so Maddie take it away.


Thanks Harry! Anyway enjoy the chapter

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