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Harry's pov

All night Edward was screaming, so I didn't get a wink of sleep. Because I was up all night babysitting my older dumbass brother who was dead and decided to come back to life.

"Edward wake up" I said. Touching him and his eyes flashed open. "Help me there going to kill me" Edward said. "Who is" I asked. "Dean" Edward said. "Ed, Dean has been dead for years he's not coming back" I said. "He isn't" Edward asked. "No in fact Marcel killed him" I said.

Edward had a confused look on his face, "who is marcel" Edward asked. "He's our brother Ed" I said. "Were brothers" Edward asked. "Yes" I said. "Can I meet him" Edward asked. "Maybe when you get a bit of your memory back" I said. Edward nodded and shut his eyes.

Walking back to my bed room and going to sleep for a bit. The next time I opened my eyes it was morning. Which meant work, I know I should be taking care of my brother but I haven't been in the office in days.

"Have a good day my Luna" I said. Kissing his cheek, a smile crept on his tired face as he slept. Walking out the door and driving off to work.

"Thank god your here sir Carlisle has been giving off orders left and right" David said. "What kind of orders" I asked. "Insane things like finding ways to get rid of you" David said. "Thank you for telling me" I said.

Walking into my office stood Carlisle. "What are you on about" I said. "What are you saying" Carlisle said. "All the lies your telling about me your one sick fuck for saying that" I said. "And what lies would I be telling" Carlisle said. With a smirk on his face, "I'm a truthful man and when people find out I'm a liar then I loose my reputation and I wouldn't want that" Carlisle said. "Why do you want to get rid of me" I asked.

Carlisle let out a sinister laugh, "My dear boy I'm not trying to get rid of you" Carlisle said. "Your a sick man" I said. "But under all the sickening things I do I find a way to cover it up with my good looks and smarts" Carlisle said.

I walked into my office about to close my office doors when Carlisle muttered something. "Tell your Omega to watch his back" Carlisle said. Smirking evilly.

The rest of the day was fine until I my phone rang. The contact read Luna. My eyes widened as I answered.

"Luna baby what's the matter" I asked. "Someone is at the door they look very scary" Luna said. "Don't answer it" I said. "Ok daddy" Luna said. Just then screams filled the background.

"Luna hello are you there" I asked. "You must be his Alpha" The man said. "Who is this" I asked. "Your worst nightmare" The man said. "Don't touch him" I said. "Told you to watch your back" The man said.

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