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While enjoying a meal with people of the ABO council some news was brought to my attention. "Mr. Styles the train that your luna and family was on was hijacked" David said. My eyebrows furrowed at the news. "Excuse me gentleman" I said. Standing up and following David to the hallway. "What exactly do you mean by hijacked" I asked. "The train was taken over by the Anti army" David said. "Fuck are they ok atleast" I asked. "Yes, but no" David said. "What" I asked. "Sir Luna, Fletcher, and Tristan all made it off the train safely except one" David said. "THEY TOOK VIOLET" I shouted. "Sir the anti's captured her i'm so sorry" David said.

Anger rushed through my veins as my eyes grew a darker green. "Gather everyone in the Alpha army to meet in the meeting room now" I said. Turning around facing the door gathering myself together before entering the room. "Gentleman i'm afraid i will be cutting this dinner short tonight i'm dearly sorry my friends" I said. "It's quite alright my dear boy" Carlisle said. "Thank you for my understanding gentleman" I said.


Noon was when Louis, Tristan, and i all made it to the station. Walking by foot is the worst thing ever. Glad we don't have to walk anymore long distances soon. "Now what does this Marcel character look like" I asked. "He looks alot like Harry but with glasses" Louis said. My eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on someone who Louis described.

"Found him" I said. The two of us walked over to Marcel Louis rushed up to the lad and hugged him. "Marcy" Louis said. "Hello Lou nice to see you again" Marcel said. "Marcel this is Fletcher" Louis said. Shaking his hand with a grin planted on my face. "Pleasure" I said.

"Well let's get going then" Marcel said. Walking out to the parking lot sat a shiny camry. "Hop in lads" Marcel said. Looking at Louis and back at the car i walked to it and we got in. "How's Tristan" Louis asked. "Good he's been asleep" I said. "So are you a baby sitter or a soldier" Marcel asked. "I'm a soldier sir" I said. "More like a baby sitter if you ask me" Marcel said. "I'm not a baby sitter" I said. "Whatever you say babysitter" Marcel said. I tried keeping my cool at the babysitter comment. Mostly i just wanted to rip the mans head off.

Once getting to the house Marcel lived at i was relived. One i didn't have to listen to the lame ass jokes, and Two the music taste was awful. Polka really who listens to Polka.

Marcel opened the door and all three of us walked in. "Louis it's been so long how are you" A lady said. "I've been better and this is Fletcher, Fletcher meet Alison" Louis said. "Nice to meet you sir" Alison said. "Nice to meet you too miss and may i say what a lovely home you have" I said. "Thank you Fletcher and the guest room is down the hall to the right" Alison said. "Lou are you good out here" I asked. "Yeah i'm fine" Louis said. I nodded and walked into the guest room with Tristan in hand.

Walking into the room was alot bigger than i expected. In the right corner lied a crib for Tristan. going over to the crib carefully laying Tristan down and letting him sleep. After placing Tristan in the crib my phone rang with Harry's contact. Knowing this phone call wouldn't be good.


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