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2 months later
Louis pov

On this beautiful day one of my beautiful kids had some news for me. "Dad Can I talk to you about something" Violet said. "Sure what's up" I said. "I've been thinking about things and you know how I've asked about my real dad well I was wondering if I could visit him" Violet said. "You want to visit him" I asked. She nodded, I could tell she really wanted to meet her real dad.

"I'm going to have to ask Harry about this he knows him better than I do" I said. Violet wrapped her arms around me for a hug. "Thanks Dad" she said. "Anytime" i said. Violet ran up the stairs and back to her room.

Turning off the tv and walking up the stairs to check on the kids. "Come in" Isak said. Triston was sitting on his bed admiring his owl. "What are you two up to" i asked. "Showing off Atlas to my brother here" Isak said. "Brother" i said. "Yeah I thought maybe I could live here with you or maybe considering adopting me" Isak said. "You've already been adopted love" I said. "Good to know" Isak smiled.

Harry's pov

I've been working at the hospital again, which I love doing. "Harry your needed in the ER stat" Lilly said. Running with me. "Who is it" I asked. "Fletcher" she said. My heart dropped, "no no no" I said. Opening the curtain lied a bloody Fletcher.

Two bullets were stuck in his leg. "Get him into surgery now" I ordered. Putting on my surgery scrubs. My whole team of doctors followed me into the OR doing the same thing. "We're going to amputate his right leg" I said. Fletcher's eyes went wide from shock.

After surgery

Around noon I walked into the room Fletcher was in. His daughter and wife were in the room with him. "Hey mate" I said. Fletcher shot his wife a glare. "Nice to see you again Harry" his wife said walking out with their daughter in hand.

Once the door closed it was me and Fletcher. "How'd That happen" I asked. Fletcher sighed and looked out the window. "I was in Italy as you probably knew, and I was on night patrol, when gun shots were coming from god knows where, I ended up getting shot twice and here I am with a amputated right leg" Fletcher said.

He moved the blanket off of his right leg, "now I'm a cripple, With a daughter and a beautiful wife who I love unconditionally I was supposed to be a legend for the Alpha Army now I'm nothing" Fletcher said. "Your Not nothing and to be completely honest I think your one of the greatest bad asses that I've known" I said. "Thanks mate" Fletcher said.

"Now tell me how is Rosalie" I asked. A smile ran on his face, "she's the happiest little girl I've ever seen I love her so much" Fletcher said. "She is a cute little thing you and Isabelle should come over sometime we'd love to have you" I said. "Thanks I'll consider that" Fletcher said.

Closing the door to his room, Bella was standing outside. "It's So good to see you again" Bella said. "What's been happening lately" I asked. "Well he's been gone for about 6 months and he's seen things, terrible terrible things he's told me over FaceTime, I can see a change in his eyes, he's not the same mentality and I'm worried" Bella said. Bella broke down while holding Rosalie, "How about this I'll talk to him tomorrow about it and I'll tell you how it went" I said. "That would be great thank you" Bella said. Hugging me.

"Lilly I'm taking 20 minuets off" I said. "Yes sir" Lilly said. Walking into my office and running my hand through my hair, a headache was approaching which was probably stress.

Suddenly my phone started to vibrate, taking it out of my pocket it was Louis. A smile jumped on my face.

"Hey love" I said. "How is everything daddy" Louis asked. "I'm pretty stressed and I only have twenty minutes to talk and I'm working late tonight so don't wait for me" I said. "What if i want to wait for you daddy" Louis asked. "Don't worry that little head of yours I want you to get a good night sleep" I said. "Ok daddy" Louis said. "I love you baby" I said. "I love you more daddy" Louis said.

Lord help me


There was no one in the ER, hardly anyone comes at this time or so I thought.

A medical team came rushing through the door with a ten year old boy who was all sweaty and pale. "This is Noah age 10, mum called for a seizure, found him on the floor shaking" Beth said. "Hook him up to a IV in four with a oxygen mask and order a MRI" I said. Lilly nodded as she went to order the MRI. "It's going to be ok we're going to order a MRI to see what caused the problem" I said. The mum nodded still with tears running down her face.

"Can I talk with you outside really quick" I said. She nodded, closing the curtain she started crying, "will he be ok" she asked. "I'm telling you that I'll do the what I can to make sure your son is going to be ok" I said. "Thank you" she said. "There ready for him sir" Lilly said. "Alright" I said. Opening the curtain all the way Lilly and a few other nurses took him down to the MRI.

" would you like to go out to the waiting room while they're doing the MRI Mrs. Knight" I asked. She nodded and walked out to the waiting room.

"Sir we got the MRI results back" Lilly said. Handing me the results. "It seems like he has a brain tumor on the right side of his brain if we remove it in time we could save the boys life" Lilly said. "Prepare him for surgery I'll inform his mother" I said. Walking back out to the waiting room.

"Mrs.Knight" i said. Getting up she walked over to me. "There's a tumor on the right side of his brain if we get him into surgery in time we could save him" I said. "Thank you so much" she said. Hugging me again. A smile was on her face as she walked back.

"What kind of flavor do you like Noah" Lilly asked. "Bubblegum" he said. "Great choice" she said. "Hey kid how are you feeling" I asked. "Tired" he said. "Well we are going to get you into surgery in about 5 minuets, Lilly is just finishing with the prep and we should be should to go" i said.

After the surgery

Noah was in the recovery room, his mom was there with him holding his hand. "Has he woken up yet" I asked. "He opened his eyes a bit but hasn't fully woken up" Lilly said. "Tell me when he does so then I can inform his mum" I said. "Yes sir" Lilly said.

After a couple patients and a shot of bubblegum soda he finally woken up. "Dr. Styles he's awake" Lilly said. "Thanks" i said.

"Hey kid how are you" i asked. "Tired" he said. "How was the surgery" Mrs. Knight asked. "It was a success we got the tumor out and he will be perfectly fine, but we will have to keep him a couple days to make sure the tumor won't come back" I said. "Thank you Dr." Mrs. Knight said. "Your welcome" i said.

"Lilly take Noah and his mother to the 5th floor room 24" I said. "Yes sir" Lilly said. Checking my watch which read 5:30 am. "I'm clocking out I am beat have a good one Lilly" I said. "Have a good day sir" Lilly said. "Please call me Harry" I said. "Ok" she said.

Walking out of the hospital to a sunrise. "I'm so tired" I said to myself. Driving home within a total of 20 minuets. By then it was 5:55.

Getting out of my car and walking into the house, heading towards my bedroom where my sleeping Omega was sound asleep. "I love you baby" I said. Kissing his cheek before passing out to sleep.

Word count 1,408
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