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Violets pov

I woke up to terror. Feeling my bed dip I didn't dare to open my eyes. "Don't be scared Violet open your eyes" the man said. My eyes crept open slightly. "Who are you" I asked. "I'm Edward" Edward said. "Where am I" I asked. "Your safe now" Edward said. "What do you mean where's my dads" I asked. "You are in London your dad is here as well" Edward said. "I want to see my father" Violet said. Edward looked at me with a annoyed look on his face. He nodded and helped me up.

"You have five minutes to see him and then back to the room" Edward said. "Yes sir" I said. Edward opened the door I turned on the light. "Papa" I said. I rushed to his side and hugged him. "Violet thank god your ok" Louis said. "I miss you papa" I said. "I miss you too baby" Louis said. "How's the baby" I asked. "Good I think he's going to come today or tomorrow" Louis said. "I can't wait to meet him papa" I said. "Neither can I" Louis said. "I miss dad" I said. "I do too my love but be a brave and strong girl during times like these ok" Louis said. I nodded I kissed his cheek and gave him one more hug before the door swung open. "I love you so much papa" I said. "I love you so much more my love" Louis said.

After the meeting with my father I walked back out into the hallway. Seeing Edward in the distance with a lit cigarette. "Don't you know smoking can kill you" I said. "That's why I do it" Edward said. "That's a dumb way to die" I said. "You want to know something about me" Edward said. "Sure why not" I said. "Well I don't care if it's a dumb way or a smart way to die if it makes me die I hope it makes me die faster" Edward said. "Why do you want to end your life so quick" I asked. "I did some pretty bad things in my life and there some things I regret" Edward said. I noticed as Edward was smoking his cigarette a piece of him was falling apart.

"Did you love someone at one point" I asked. "Why" Edward said. "Well you look broken heart broken at least who was this person" I said. That's when he broke down. "Her name was Julia she was the one I loved with all my heart sure I had lots of other Omegas but Julia was like no other" Edward said. "What was Julia like" I asked. "She was amazing kind hearted soul she was never had a bad day always willing to help the homeless Omegas" Edward said. "She does sound like a wonderful woman to be with" I said. "I miss her everyday and she's the reason why I keep myself sane" Edward said. "What happened to her" I asked.

Darkness filled his heart as he thought about the day Julia's death. He told me that Julia had leukemia and she was also pregnant with there little girl. But sadly Julia lost the baby the next day. Which left Him and Julia heart broken. Edward wanted to make everyday the best one for his dying Omega. He always kept her happy on her worst days.

She always made Edward laugh till his heart hurt and smile till he couldn't anymore. There love was ever lasting. Until on November 22nd 2014 Julia Daisy Styles passed away from leukemia. Which left Edward heart broken ever since.

Sad chapter I know but I wanted to give y'all a bit of what goes on in Edwards world. And Violets POV was a must come on now

Have a good night day where ever you maybe ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻

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