Episode 10- Part 2- Challenge 10

Start from the beginning

AJS approached Mickie who just got done talking to Elias.

"Mickie, I think we need to talk."

"Did you get permission from your girlfriend? I dont want you to get in trouble or anything." she sassed.

"Listen, I think you and I got off to a rough start."

"And who's fault is that?"

"I just wanted to clear the air with you. I like you, I think you're a great person. I believe you can be my match."

"I dont even want to hear it. I wanted to get to know you AJ but you're to chained to Alexa. She's not your match! Move on!"

"You gotta understand that Alexa and I had something before this show. Its not like I just recently met her. Ive been with her for almost a year now."

VC-Mickie- At this point out of all the guys ive talked too I came to a conclusion on who I think can really be my match. AJ is one of course because I think we're very similar. Cesaro is a contender because he needs a woman and not a girl and Dean is my choice because he's such a scattered person I think he needs a woman who can really help him get his life together and I can do that.

"Alexa has you wrapped around her finger and I dont know when you're going to be a man and take control. She shouldnt get mad if you want to talk to other people. All you two are doing is taking away someone else's chance of finding love because your perfect match and her perfect match wouldnt be able to develop a connection with neither of you because you two are still together."

"Okay well maybe we wont have a relationship with our perfect matches but just for the sake of the game....I want to get to know you. I respect you a lot and a woman who can carry around herself in a respectful manner for so long definitely has to be my match."

She shook her head, "You got a point."

They sat together at the home bar and quickly sparked up a conversation. Finally Mickie was getting what she wanted for a long time and that was just a minute or two to talk to him.

"Howdy." Renee said to a tall, dirty blond guy she was very familiar with.

He turned around, "Oh...hey."

She interrupted him from digging in the fridge looking for cheese.

VC-Renee-Dean and I have some history and...I still dont think he can be my match but he's the last guy thats left for me to talk to so why not try and see where it goes.

"Ready for our speed dating round?" she asked.

"I was going to make sandwich but I think we're out of cheese so...yea sure."

"Its funny. Our first conversation was actually in a kitchen as well when you were going to bake that cake for Sami."

"I remember that. Good times."

"I actually missed talking to you."

"Hey I wasnt the one who stopped talking to you. You basically brushed me off and have been ignoring me for months now."

"I know and...im sorry." she said with pleading eyes, "I guess I dont know what I want."

"Definitely not me right? I mean, Seth is still available."

She sighed.

"Im sorry ive been such a jerk to you."she said.

"Its fine its fine, im used to dealing with jerks."

"So what was thing with AJ? You guys...actually had something?"

"You mean when I gave him the drink at the pool? Why? Has he been talking about it? Because...im not into him."

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