Chapter 21:N-Natsu!?

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"W-Well, we have a lot of free time, so we should take it easy." Azazel stuttered, as he pick up a map from the bulletin board showing a map of Balsam Village. "Let's see here..." He scaned through the map, mentally marking of places that he knew Lucy would not like, and finally saw an arcade at the top of the map." Ah! How about here, Lucy?" He pointed at the arcade on the map.

"Hm? The arcade, huh?" Lucy put her hand up on her chin, considering what could happen. As the two outcomes, she would either kick his butt at every single game, or she would get her butt kicked if he beat her at the arcade. Though, Lucy didn't really care if she lost or not, so she nodded her head. "Sure, Azazel. Whatever you want." She grinned at him, her eyes closed, so she couldn't see the blush that was forming on his face.

"A-Alright! Let's go!" He cheered, his eyes seemed to be swirling and his face was a bright pink. He led both of them through the crowded steets of the Village, both absorbing the oriental structures of Balsam, until they reached the arcade. All of a sudden, flames exploded from inside the arcade.

"What was that?" Azazel screeched, putting his arm out so he could shield Lucy from the flying pieces of rubble falling from the sky. Several pieces fell before he thought it stopped, so he put his arm down, oblivious to the gigantic rock falling right above him. The rock collided with his head, making him unconsious, but only to have Lucy use her Sky Magic she had learned from Grandine, or Grandeeney, as most Dragons called her to rouse him again.

Azazel awoke and sat up instantly, hitting his head with Lucy's, causing them both a considerable amount of pain ringing through their skulls. "Ow!" He rubbed his head.

But, instead of rubbing her head, Lucy called out to Azazel, "Hurry, Azazel! We have to investigate before anybody gets hurt!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him inside the arcade.

Once inside, she shouted, " Alright! Whoever is doing this, stop it this instant! If not we'll use force!" An instant later, her dragon hearing picked up a voice yelling through the smoke. She chanted, "Sky Dragon's Roar!" Making the dust clear up in a matter of seconds.

When the dust cleared, she could make out a cluster of...Pink hair? "No, it's salmon colored." Lucy shook her head. She knew only one person with salmon hair, and that was:


The person with the salmon hair turned, making eye contact with Lucy. It took him a few seconds to figure out who was talking to him.


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