Episode 10-Part 1

Start from the beginning

"So Jojo, why were you single?" AJS asked.

"Ive been cheated on before. I found out from the girl herself. She sent me pictures of my boyfriend sleeping naked in her bed."

"Oh wow." AJ said in shock.

"Yup. After that I just gave up. I was dating the guy for 3 years. When I saw the pictures it...it crushed me."

"Thats horrible. Well obviously im not single but I guess my problem with finding love is that I tend to drift away. I can easily get detached."

"But you've been paying so much attention to Alexa so far."

"I know but thats because we're in the house. The truth is, im kinda scared of what will happen between us after the show is over. Im gonna go back to Georgia and she's going to go back to Cleveland and...im scared i'll go back to my old ways."

"Why doesnt she just move to Georgia and live with you. Or you can move to her."

"I cant move and she doesnt want to move to Georgia."

"What are you going to do then?" she asked.

He shrugged, "I dont even know. I'll try my best to hang in there. Anyway, so I heard that you're religious?"

"Yup. I grew up in a religious family. My dad is a preachers so.."

"Preacher's daughter." AJ smiled.


"I was born into a religious family too. My saying is God first then family."

VC-AJS-Jojo definitely is a contender of being my match because of our religious upbringing. We're devoted but we also know how to have a good time.

"What kind of sex are you into?" Paige blatantly asked Dolph.

"I like it rough."

"Me too! High five!" She high fived him.

"Im not about the foreplay either. I like getting straight to the point you know."

"Oh my gosh I thought I was the only one that didnt really like foreplay."she said.

"Nah we're on the same boat."

VC-Dolph- On my application form to be on this show I stated that I wanted the crazy type and well Paige....is a bit crazy and wild. She actually can be my match. However physically, she's not what I would go for.

"What type of music are you into?" she asked him.

"Rock n Roll babeh! The old school stuff."

"Im more into the metal scene. I kindaaa listen to Justin Bieber too. Dont judge me."

"Oh..im judging you."

"Okay lets get to the point." she said, "How could we be a perfect match?"

He rubbed his chin, "We'd have mind blowing sex."

"Besides that."

"I dont know."

"I dont feel anything with you."she said.

"You and I are both wild cards. In a lot of ways we're similar. The way I see you is that you're a party girl. You're wild. You're an extrovert. You're center of attention."

"The way I see you is that you're a player. You use people. You're full of yourself. You put in way to much effort into your hair and it still looks like crap. Do you think we would work together?"

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