Removing his eyes from Kaname, the blonde vampire dived in to taste the delicious looking snacks.

It has been a while now since the two supposed friends' last spoke. They have been maintaining this cold shoulder since half way through their journey. Since that uncomfortable conversation inside the car.

"... A day will come Kaname, when you will love Aiyora-chan with everything! You love her more than anyone, more than anything, more than life..."

"And then what?" the other responded back with a smug look pasted on his face.

"Nothing!" he almost spat the word onto the pureblood's face "...Because she will never return your feelings."

Kaname felt Ichijo's forest green orbs lingering upon his form for quite some time. At first the latter was trying to steal glances but then he just stared. The pureblood paid him no means and continued to ignore. He wanted Ichijo to understand that those words that he said earlier, has both offended and hurt him to great lengths. Although he said nothing with his mouth but Kaname surely expected an apology. He has a soft spot for the blonde. Therefore all Takuma needed to do was just say the simplest of 'sorry' and he, Kuran Kaname would reconsider. But the fact that no word of apology came out of the blonde's mouth yet was what him furious inside.

This time it was the pureblood's turn to stare at his friend. And was he was taken by quite a surprise to see how the Ichijo heir was enjoying his tea. He was drinking so freely. All traces of tension that was on his face earlier now vanished.

How can he act so casual?

Kaname's dark orbs threw death glare at the blonde.

Takuma made the smart move by not looking up to meet the brunette's expecting eyes. He knew his dear friend was silently expecting an apology. But his mind was already made, he wasn't going to give his highness any sort of apology... when he clearly meant each and every word he said earlier!

With pin drop silence still ongoing the tension in the room continued to multiply. It would have deepened more if not for the sudden interruption by a third party.

"...Welcome back onii-sama!"

Came a soft feminine voice. That sounded not only cheerful but super excited. It was that very voice that brought relief to the heavily tensed situation of the living room. It not only made the environment lighter but also made the air more breathable. Thus putting an end to the far stretched silence which was turning not just awkward but also becoming quite uncomfortable for both parties involved.

Both the vampires turned their head to meet the figure as she climbed down the stairs galloping like a pony.

"Aiyora..." her name was uttered by her fiancé.

To acknowledge her, Kaname put his book aside like it was of no importance. He also stood up and gracefully walked towards the approaching maiden. Takuma on the other hand remained unmoving. He simply sat back and continued to watch the scene play out...very carefully!

Kaname took his fiancée by her hand and guided her down the stairs. His gaze at the moment was warm and affectionate. Very similar to the one with which he looks down on Cross Yuuki.

"Good evening onii-sama!" she greeted him politely and respectfully. Her moon like face beaming with joy.

"Good evening to you too Aiyora." One of his hand reached out and took few locks of her hair between his fingers before bring them to his lips to kiss them.

"You look quite beautiful and happy this it because of me? Have been awaiting my arrival?" he asked in a voice so enthusiastic, while the underlining of his tone could be described as borderline flirtatious. And to put a cherry on top was the added sweet smile that completed the look of prince charming.

Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran X OC X Senri)Where stories live. Discover now