Whitey Winn ~ Win Her Heart pt.2 *unedited*

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Warnings: naughty words and fluff :)

(y/n) - your name


Your POV

So here I was sat down with Dan about to break up with him. Yes Whitey offered to but I stopped him from doing so as I felt bad so I said I'd do it instead.

"Look (y/n) I know what I did was unacceptable but we gotta find a way to push past this" Dan told me

"I didn't come here to talk things out" I said

"Well why are you here then?" He asked confused

"I'm breaking up with you" I said looking at him

"Wait.. what?" He said

"You heard me and I ain't going to repeat it. I'm sick to death of constantly being worried if you see me with a guy and get the wrong end of the stick or if you're actually coming home or if I get too see you in the morning. It's exhausting." I said

"That's why I wanted to talk things out" he said

"We've talking things out before and we went back to the way we was before" I said

"Oh I see... It's him isn't it?" He said

"You've lost me" I said confused

"That deputy, you want him now" he said

"What? It's not about him" I said

"I saw you go off with him, what's he done? Told you to dump me so he can have you all to himself" he said raising his voice a little

"No I made the decision just leave him out of it" I said

"No because it's his fault, I know I'm not perfect but neither is he" he said

"No none of you are perfect but he's always been there for me and has actually fought for me and that's more than you'll ever do, so what I do after this relationship is none of your concern because we're over and that's final" I snapped

"So that's it then?" He asked with anger

I nodded "unless you've got anything else to add then yeah that's it"

"Do you think we'll ever get back together?" He asked

"No give it a few days and you'll be with you're lady friend that you cheated on me with" I snapped

"Don't act all innocent I bet you'll be with that dick of a deputy" he snarled

"Whitey is not a dick. And so what if I am it's none of your business anyway" I said and walked out

I heard him yell my name and when I didn't come back he chucked something

I went up to the hill where my old home was and stayed there for the night feeling a lot more happier than I felt this morning.

X x X

I woke up to banging on my door, I got up and opened it squinting at the sunlight. It was my dad

"Do you want to explain to my why Dan came in today angry and drunk demanding for Whitey?" He asked

I sighed and rolled my eyes "we broke up and he thinks it's Whitey's fault, was Whitey there?" I asked

"No it's his day off, why did you break up" he replied

"He was controlling and I barely saw him plus he cheated so I ended it" I said

"I'm sorry sweetheart" he said hugging me

"It's ok dad honestly" I smiled pulling away

"Well Whitey should be pleased" he chuckled

I smiled "yeah"

"Well I'll see you around and don't worry about Dan I'll make sure he leave you and Whitey alone" he said

"Thank you" I smiled and waved goodbye before shutting the door I turnt around to find bunch of flowers and a note on my table

I went over and unfolded the note and smiled instantly

I know you've recently suffered heartbreak so i got you flowers. Anyway meet me in 30 on by the cliff one because I'm lonely and two i have to talk to you :)

~ Whitey

I grinned and put the flowers in a vase before having a quick shower and after I dried my hair I left for the cliff side.

When I got there I found him looking out at the view

"Hello mister lonely" I said smiling

He looked over and smiled "what a nice greeting"

I went over and stood next to him "ask me"

He looked over confused "ask you what?"

"The question you've been dying to ask" I replied

"Are you ok?" He asked

I grinned and looked at him "that wasn't it but yes I'm fine thanks"

"That's good" he said "now about this other question, if you know what it is why don't you just answer?"

"Well that defeats the object of you dying to ask it" I replied

"So it does.. but are you ready?" He asked

"Most definitely" I said

"Well in that case..will you do the honour of becoming my girlfriend?" He asked

I smiled and leaned forward and kissed him, he kissed me back and unlike Dan it was filled with love and passion

I pulled away after a while a grinned "no I don't think I will"

He laughed "don't play me now woman"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled "no of I course I'll be your girlfriend"


How was that? Hopefully it was ok!!!

I will be working on a request over the next few days and if you have any then please let me know!!!


Thank you!! XxxxxxxXxxxxxx

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