Whitey Winn - A Not So Simple Love *unedited*

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Hello all!!!

So this chapter will be based in present day, now I'm literally just putting a crazy idea into a chapter so I hope you enjoy !

Also just for this chapter your British :)

(y/n) - your name
(y/m/n) - your mum's name
(y/l/n) - your last name


Your POV

I didn't want to move to La Belle but I never had the choice, La Belle is a city in the middle of a desert, it used to be a small town best known for being run by women after most of the men were killed in a mining accident then later on there was a little war where more people died.

We finally arrived where we were greeted by a woman who smiled as we got out the car

"I'm assuming your Ms (y/l/n)?" She asked

"Yes, please call me (y/m/n)! And this is my daughter (y/n)" mum replied with a smile

"Of course, I'm Kylie and I'm here to show you where your new home is!" Kylie said

Mum breathed a sigh of relief "thank god! I was worried if have to drive all around town to find it!"

"Its not too far from here so I'm sure you would have found it easily but it's the policy round here" she smiled

We all got into the car and Kylie told us the directions and soon enough we were outside quite a big house with a wooden decking at the front

We all got out and Kylie helped mum get the bags out

"Mum this is huge surely we don't need all this space" I said to her

"I know but truth is I've always wanted to live in a huge house and now I've finally got it! Plus when you make friends they can all stay over!" She smiled

"Yeah if"I muttered and picked up my bag

I got onto the decking and it creaked, come to think of it looked rather old

"Kylie?" I called

She put the box she was carrying and smiled at me

"Is this decking older than the house?" I asked

"Some of it yes, when they started to re build La Belle they knocked down most of the buildings and this one used to be the sheriff station" she explained

"Oh cool" I smiled and she went inside

I looked around at the busy town thinking, imaging what it used to be like.

X x X

It's been a month since we moved in and I had made a few friends but not many, I've also been seeing a person on our decking every now and then but they always leave by the time we get out the car

Today I was home alone as mum had been searching for work and I was planning to meet up with my friend Erin

I got my things together and opened the door to find a boy around my age looking out onto the town

"Can I help you?" I asked him

He spun around looking confused and startled
"Me?" He asked

"Yes you" I smiled

"Oh um no I'm fine" he replied

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yes, sorry I know this looks weird but I just used to live here so being here helped me.. think" he said

"Don't worry I know the feeling, I'm (y/n) by the way" I smiled

"I'm Whitey" he replied with a smile "your not from around here are you?"

"No recently moved from England" I said

"Oh that's quite a move" he said

"Yeah I know it's been hard but I'm getting there" I said

My phone then buzzed it was Erin asking if i was ok I looked up at Whitey

"Sorry I've got to go" I said

"Oh no it's fine" he smiled

"See you around" I smiled back and walked away towards Erin who was looking confused

"What was that about?" She asked

"Sorry I was talking to... Oh" I said pointing to my house to see no one there "never mind" I shrugged it off and we continued with our day.

X x X

I got home later that day and mum still wasn't home I found a note on the table from mum saying she wasn't going to be back till later so I decided to sit out on the decking and watch the now quite town where there was only a few people walking places

There was loud singing and cheering from a nearby pub but apart from that it was pretty silent.

"Never gets old does it?"

I looked around to see Whitey, I smiled and shook my head
"No it doesn't"

"Sorry to intrude again I was just walking past to go home" he said

"Oh no it's fine" I replied

"How was your day?" He asked

"Pretty good, how was yours?" I asked

"Pretty boring not gonna lie" he replied

"Don't you hang out with anyone" I asked

"Uh no they've all um left" he replied

"And you didn't go with them?" I asked

"No I've always been drawn to stay here, even more so now" he said looking at me

We then spent most of the night talking and as the weeks went by we got closer but was bugging me about him.

I eventually found out what it was and I was shocked.

It all started when it became the anniversary since La Belle became under attack where loads of people died, I had picked up the newspaper and looked at the front page and found something very confusing.

So I went back to find Whitey to ask him then he explained himself and said the unimaginable.

"I died in that war (y/n). I'm a ghost"....


There will be a part 2 don't worry! :)


Thank you!! Xoxox

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