Thomas ~ Only Us *unedited*

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Warnings: fluff :) some bad language

(y/n) - your name
(y/l/n) - your last name
(y/h/c) - your hair colour
(y/e/c) - your eye colour
(y/b/f/n) - your bestfriends name


Thomas POV

Aged 17

I happily walked into the school gates where I was greeted by my bestfriend, Liam.

"Hey Tom" he grinned

I grinned "what do you want?"

"Can I not say hi to my bestmate?" He asked

"Not when your this happy in the morning" I remarked

"Ok well I've only got myself a girl" he smirked

"Finally caught up have you?" I asked

"Well I obviously can't compete with you and (y/n) but she will do" he said

I smiled at the mention at my girlfriend. Me and (y/n) has been together for almost 5 years, we met at this school, and she caught my eye instantly. Her (y/h/c) hair was curled and her (y/e/c) shone brightly in the sunlight

We got closer as the weeks went on then valentine's day I asked her to be mine and she has been since.

"Well what's her name?" I asked snapping out of my daydream

"Uh Amy" he said

"As in slutty Amy who hates (y/n)? Well done man" I said

"Look I did put it into consideration and she said she'll try get on with (y/n)" he explained

"It's just whether she does or not" I said

"Yeah she will mate don't worry" he said "oh talking of the devil" he smirked and waved at Amy who came over

"Hey babe" she smirked kissing him, I silently gagged and when they stopped she smiled at me

"Hey Tommy" she said smiling

"Uh it's Thomas and hi" I said

Only (y/n) called me Tommy and (y/n) only

I looked around and spotted my favourite (y/h/c) haired girl looking confused at me

"Uh Liam see you later, bye Amy" I said and walked over to (y/n)

"Since when were they a thing?" She asked

"I have no idea I only found out like 10 seconds ago" I replied

She sighed "oh brilliant"

"Hey, hey" I said hugging her "she's not gonna say anything to you, hopefully now she has him she's going to leave us alone"

She pulled away and gave a small smile
"Or she's using Liam to get closer to you"

I looked over at them
"Well let's hope that's not the case"

"Right come on we have maths first" she said smiling

"Urgh can we bunk?" I asked

She grabbed my hand
"Mister Sangster are you suggesting we skip one of the most important lesson of the week?"

"Um yes?" I said

She slapped my arm

"Take that as a no then" I said grinning

"Let's go" she said and dragged me to maths

Once we got there (y/n) groaned when she saw Amy

"Be nice" I whispered to her and sat next to Liam as we had a bloody seating plan

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