Thomas - Scared To Tell pt.2 *unedited*

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As requested here is part two! Now to those who are waiting for the request to be done, I promise they are being done but I thought I'd post this first so it don't get confusing!

Warnings: again strong story line

Requests: open!

(y/n) - your name
(y/b/f/n) - your bestfriends name


Your POV

It's been almost 6 months since I confessed all to Thomas and 3 since we became official and ever since he's protected me from everything, like he said he would making me feel so much happier and calmer

We also live together and he constantly makes sure I'm happy which is very sweet

But it hasn't been an easy ride. I told (y/b/f/n) everything and she broke down blaming herself saying she should have been there for me. I repeatedly told her it wasn't but she didn't listen. It took her around a month to start getting back to normal.

As for Dean, I've seen him a few times and he is confused as to why both Thomas and (y/b/f/n) has gone all cold with him as he approached us in town.

I had to restrain Thomas for doing anything he may regret so he just told him to bigger off.

It was suggested that I should go to the police but I didn't see the point. I had no proof which meant months and months of arguing in court as it was just my word against his.

I was currently waiting for Thomas to come home so to pass time I was watching a movie until I was interrupted by my phone.



"Get something pretty on and glam yourself up, we're going out."

"Am I allowed to ask why?"

"No just do it"

"Well I don't know, me and Thomas were planning a night in"

"He'll be fine, besides he would want you to have fun again!! Just please! I'll be at yours in a hour, get ready! Love you!!"

I put down the phone and sighed then got ready.

Thomas POV

"Is she coming?"

"She had no choice although she was reluctant"

"Well I've got all the food so we're all set, I'll just pick up Harry"

"Oo make sure he's smart"

"He will be"

Once I paid for all the food, I went out and as I walked down a quiet street I bumped into someone.

Once I turnt around to see who it was my mood went very dark.

"Oh hey Thomas" Dean said

"I don't want to talk to you so walk away" I said

"Man what happened why has everyone gone cold with me?!" He asked

"You really wanna know?" I asked

"Uh yeah" he said

"It happened a few years back at a party, with (y/n)" I said

He went pale then glared

"Yeah that's right I got told, you raped my girlfriend, so don't be surprised that we don't talk anymore" I hissed

"Rape? You seriously got told that? She wanted it" he said

Then I lost it so punched him in the jaw

"I saw how broken she was, that wasn't fake, so you go near her or me again then I swear I will take you down with no hesitation, because you make me sick" I said and walked away

I went to Harry's house, who is (y/b/f/n)'s boyfriend by the way and he noticed to bruise on my knuckle

"How did you get that?" He asked

"Had a run in with Dean" I said

"I hope he is now in pain the bastard" he said

"Yeah I hope so too, anyway you ready" I asked

He nodded and we left

Your POV

I went outside to meet (y/b/f/n) who smiled at me

"You look amazingggg" she said

"Thank you, I hope it's not too casual I'm not that comfortable in dresses" I said

"You look fine! Now come on" she said taking my arm

"Where is it we are going?" I asked

"A party!" She said "and before you run off I know who's invited and they are all our friends so it will be fun!"

"(y/b/f/n) I don't know about this" I said

She stopped and looked at me

"Look I know what you went through is unforgivable and the worst possible thing ever, but you can't just hide away, you need to show how strong you are, how beautiful you are and how your not going to let someone like Dean put you down because if you do then he's won and I can't have that, I'll be by your side the whole night and you will win this battle because I believe that you can" she said confidently

I smiled and took a deep breath

"You know what you're right! Now let's go back to mine, there's this dress I've been dying to try on" I said

She grinned at me "that's my girl!!!"

X x X

We arrived to the party half an hour late.. lol.

When we got there there was a few of our friends and Thomas and Harry.

I looked at (y/b/f/n)
"You knew he was coming didn't you?"

"He planned it, his idea of getting you more confident and happy" she smiled "so yeah I probably won't be by your side the whole night but he definitely will"

I smiled and went over to my boyfriend and slapped him gently

"You!! If you wanted to plan me a party you should have just said" I said

"Ah nice to see you too babe" he said as Harry patted my shoulder and went to (y/b/f/n)

"And I only kept it from you as I didn't know if you'd come or not" he said

"If you were there of course I would" I smiled

"You look stunning by the way" he said

"Aw thank you" I said and then noticed the bruise on his knuckle

I took his hand to observe more
"What's this?"

"A bruise" he said

"Yeah I can see that, from what?" I asked

"It's nothing" he said

"You ran into Dean didn't you?" I asked

He nodded and took my hand "he got worse off"

I shook my head but smiled "you mister need to contain your anger"

"I do usually but he is different" he said

"I do love you Sangster" I grinned

"I love you too" he smiled back and we shared a kiss before enjoying the rest of the night.


Hope that was good for you all!!!

And if anyone was affected by the storyline and want a chat I'm always here!! :)


Thank you all for the continuous positive comments you're all amazing!!!! <3

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