Thomas - Saving Lives pt.1 (Request) *unedited*

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Hey!! This is a request for perihelions and there might be two parts depending on how it goes!!!! Hope you enjoy and thank you for requesting!!!

(y/n) - your name
(c/w/n) - co-workers name


Your POV

So my life is pretty hectic and it's all about trying to save lives of those who are unfortunate enough to get the horrible disease Cancer. But I mainly work with brain cancer as I'm a neurosurgeon. And im about to tell you all the story of how one patient changed everything.

So it basically started off as a normal day, you know doing paper work checking up on other patients in need of help but I got assigned to this one patient who was very handsome may I add and we became friends very quickly due to his personality, his name was Thomas and he was quite a laugh considering circumstances.

He said it was the best way he could forget about it and try and live his life even though it could be ending.

This made me determined to cure him, I'd never met anyone like him before, he treated me different to how most men did, he found what I did interesting and was a brilliant listener and very patient as well with the treatment. Bless.

Anyway it took months before I finally succeeded on what I was set to do. He became cancer free and it brought joy to both of us and after our last session together he said he would meet me again in proper circumstances this time.

But unfortunately it never came to that, he had mentioned that his job was extremely busy so I just assumed it was that and got on with life.

Until one morning when I decided to go for some food in the café.


I was on my phone waiting for my food when I heard a familiar voice at the counter but I brushed it off to save the awkwardness of thinking it's one person when actually it's not and you lose your train of thought and then you get annoyed at yourself and if you don't then you have a great memory so well done to you.

Anyway I scrolled through social media when I got interrupted

"Hey (y/n)!"

I looked up and saw Thomas and smiled it was him after all

"Is this seat free" he asked I nodded and he sat down

"You know I thought I heard you" I said

"And you didn't say hi" he asked

"Well I was focused on my phone and I thought if I looked up thinking it was you then it wasn't it would be awkward and then I'd lose what I was originally thinking about and then I'll get annoyed at myself" I explained

"You're such a pleb" he laughed

"What? Everyone does it" I smiled

"Do they?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"Yes and if they don't then they've got a great memory" I replied

"Anyway I'm sorry that I haven't been in touch work has been pretty hectic" he said

"I guessed, you never actually said what you did" I said

"Because when I found out you didn't know I wanted to feel normal for a change so I didn't say anything" he said

"Ok now you're the one talking in riddles" I said

"I'm an actor" he said

"What like... Famous?" I asked

He nodded

"Well I did not expect that" I said

"I just hate being treated differently because of it" he said

"I dont blame you" I said

"Well what about that little meet up we talked about" he said

"Why isn't this enough?" I asked

"Ok first of all this was unplanned secondly you literally saved my life so you deserve something more classy than this so is 7pm tomorrow sound good to you?" He asked

"Smooth move sangster I'll give you that and I'll see you then" I smiled and he grinned back.


Yeah there will be a second part so look out for that!!

Now so sorry for the long wait but I've literally been ill since mid January, like cold after cold after cold and I've been drained from it all but I've recovered now hense why the chapter is short because I figured I needed to upload :)


Thank you!! Xoxoxoxo

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