Thomas - Busy *unedited*

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Warnings: mental health trigger and fluff

(y/n) - your name
(y/l/n) - your last name
(y/b/f/n) - your bestfriends name

Requests: OPEN!!! :)


Your POV

What's it like having a famous boyfriend

Is a question I get asked a lot and to be honest half the time I didn't know the answer. Like don't get me wrong I love my boyfriend with like every bone in my body, but when hes a movie star that needs to film movies in a completely different country to you it kinda sucks.

I was dating Thomas Brodie-Sangster and have been for 5 years now but this was the longest we've ever been apart.

Next week marked 6 months of me not being with him in person anyway.

There had been many rumours going around saying that we had split up or we hated eachother

Usually they don't get to me but this time for some reason they were and it made me not really want to leave my house just so that I didn't have to face the music it was really quite bad because I was making it worse by hiding away from the world

I had (y/b/f/n) round today as she wanted company but I didn't mind so much as I missed company

"(y/n)? There's no food in here, how have you been eating?" (y/b/f/n) shouted from the kitchen

"I've been ordering take aways" I replied

She came into the lounge "you barely order in take aways"

"Well I have been recently" I said

"Okay what then?" She asked

"What do you mean" I asked

She came and sat down and looked at me
"(y/n) I think you're forgetting how well I know you"

I sighed and grabbed a pillow and hugged it "so I've been struggling lately what's new"

"Have you been eating?" She asked

"Yes of course I have just I don't know not so much I guess" I mumbled

"What's going on?" She asked

I shrugged and she sighed
"You know you can talk to me"

"I know" I said

"Well then talk to me" she urged

I looked at her and thought about what I was gonna say

"It's just all getting to me that's all" I said

"You mean Thomas?" She asked

I nodded

"I thought you guys were ok" she said

"We are like completely but I just miss him and all the rumours and stuff it's just like he was my safety blanket and now he's not here I just noticed all the bad things more" I explained

"Have you told him" she asked

I shook my head

"(y/n) he needs to know" she said

"What so he can get all upset then end up stopping everything he's worked for in the past 6 months just to fly home and see me? I don't think so. I want him to carry on and finish it because if he doesn't then there was no point in going through all this crap" I said

"When's he due home" she asked

"Few weeks I think" I replied

She sighed and pulled me into a hug
"I know you love him and want him to finish what he loves doing but he loves you more than any project or film or show all put together. You know that he's going to be more upset that you didn't tell him you've been feeling this low"

I pulled away and smiled "I know but at least when he finds out he'll be home and not half way across the world"

Few days later

It was currently 6:33pm and I was in my room trying to sort out my wardrobe. After opening up to (y/b/f/n) I felt a lot better, I was eating more for sure, don't get me wrong I was still feeling down but that's not going to change until Thomas comes home to me.

Just then I heard the door close downstairs and I paused thinking someone just openly walked into my home so I panicked

"(y/n)? Are you home?"

I stopped panicking and felt my eyes well up. It was Thomas. He's here.

I dropped the clothes I was holding and ran to the top of the stairs

"Thomas?!" I called my heart beating rapidly

He walked out of the lounge and looked up at me and smiled
"Hi baby"

I grinned and ran down the stairs and pretty much jumped onto him and he wrapped his arms around me tightly and spun me around

"I can't believe you're here right now" I said fully crying at this point and he out me down

"Well we finished early and I wasn't going to spend another second there because I missed you that much" he smiled

"I whole heartedly agree with your decision" I grinned as he used his thumb to wipe away my tears

"However we do need to talk" he said

"Oh god you're not going to break up with me are you?" I joked

"Most definitely not" he said as we went into the lounge and sat on the sofa

"(y/b/f/n) called me and told me everything" he said

I sighed "I told her not to say anything"

"Yeah well I'm glad she did, why didn't you say anything" he asked

"Because I didn't want you to drop everything for me" I said

"I would move heaven and earth to make you happy so damn right I would have come home if you needed me, 6 months is a long time and I know how toxic this life can be. Sometimes I wish that I wasn't famous or that if I wasn't your boyfriend then maybe you wouldn't be experiencing any of this" he said

"Don't say that. Falling in love with you has been the best thing that ever happened to me and it definitely makes all the rumours and crap worth it. To be honest I keep thinking that if I tell you what's really been happening then maybe you'll just think I'm not supportive and break up with me or something" I said

"That would never happen, you're the most supportive person I've ever met and I love you so damn much, I'm more scared of losing you" he said

"That's never going to happen" I smiled hugging him

He hugged me back tightly and we laid down on the sofa tangled in eachother smiling and laughing enjoying being back with eachother

I later on posted a photo of us both in a tangled mess with the caption

He came home to me❤❤

And shut those rumours right up as an article came out the next with the title

(y/n) (y/l/n) shuts down rumours about Thomas Brodie-Sangster split after posting a cute snap of them together as he returns from filming

And with that I smiled

Sorry for the gloomy start but I just wanted to get the message across to anyone suffering with mental illness, please talk to someone because if you keep it in it just gets worse. The moment you start to talk about it, it gets better.

Love you all!!!


Thank you!! Xoxoxo

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