Newt ~ The Story *unedited*

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Warnings: talk of attempt suicide

(y/n) - your name
(y/h/c) - your hair colour
(y/e/c) - your eye colour


*Flash Back* *Thomas POV*

"So greenie you get the choice of a job, first of all is the gardens, where all our food grows" Alby explained to me

I looked in the gardens and saw Newt who I met earlier and a girl with (y/h/c) hair pulled back into a messy bun

"I thought you said there was only boys here?" I asked confused

"I also said there was one girl" he replied

"And why is Newt doing gardening? He's second in command, I thought he would be doing something else" I asked

"It's not my place to say, I suggest you ask Newt when or if you guys get closer, it's not something to tell someone new, ask him when we get out" Alby said seriously

*End of Flashback*

Thomas POV

I remember that's what Alby told me, until now I had forgotten, we were now by a campfire in the scorch trying to find the mountain people as Newt called them, I was watching Newt and (y/n) laughing around, they got together in the maze and all of us loved them together

I wanted to ask about what happened but I didn't want to ask Newt.

"Um (y/n)?" I asked suddenly

She looked at me "yeah?"

"Could I speak to you?" I asked

"Yeah sure" she said getting up

I took her away from the group and she looked at me her (y/e/c) eyes filled with confusion

"Are you ok?" She asked as we sat down

"Um back there I was thinking, when I first came into the maze, Alby was showing me the gardens and I was confused as to why Newt was working in a not so fun job when he was second in command. When I asked Alby he told me to ask Newt when I get to know him a bit better, but I don't want to ask him if it's going to bring back something bad so I decided I should ask you instead" I explained

"He's going to kill me but you are his bestfriend so I think you should know, he wasn't didn't always work in the gardens, when I came into the glade he was a runner, a good one at that. But one day, about a month after I came in, he came to see me and told me he was sorry and he thanked me for making him smile again, I was confused as to why he was saying it but I shrugged it off, the runners went out but they didn't come back at normal time, we waited for them to come back and when they did Ben came in screaming for the medjacks and then Minho came in carrying Newts limp body, when I asked Minho what happened he told me that Newt just disappeared from the group and when they found him he was dangling from his ankle from a vine" she said

"What happened?" I asked shocked

"He tried to kill himself, when he woke up he said he was fed up of going into the maze and finding nothing for months on end, he just wanted it to end and that was the only way, after that Alby said he won't be going in the maze no more and he would be second in command and chose a new job to do, he chose the gardens so he could be with me more" she finished

I sat there shocked "I can't believe it, he seems so strong"

"He is strong, just needs a little guidance and something to keep him going, like currently it's the idea of freedom" she said

"And you" I replied

She smiled "yeah but not as much as the freedom"

"Thank you for telling me" I said

"Your welcome" she smiled "now let's get back before Newt thinks I'm cheating on him"

"I would never think that, I trust you both too much" Newt said coming behind us "you two alright?"

(y/n) got up and went over to him "yeah Thomas just had a question that's all"

"Well I hope your done now because them lot are all making jokes" Newt said laughing

"That bad are they?" I asked grinning

Newt put his arm around (y/n) and smiled "yeah they're terrible"

(y/n) put her head on his shoulder and smiled

"Right let's get back to them then" I said getting up

Newt and (y/n) walked back and sat next to eachother by the campfire

I looked at them both, he did seem a lot more happier now alough (y/n) thought it was down the to idea of freedom that was keeping him going, I knew that it was really her that was keeping him going

And I knew that by just the way he looked at her.


How was that?

Hope you liked it :)


Thank you xxxxxxxx

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