Newt ~ The Cure Pt.1 (pt.3 to The Maze) *unedited*

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WARNING: HUGE SPOILER FOR THE MOVIE OF THE DEATH CURE!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE DO NOT READ!!!! unless you don't mind the film being spoiled then do read on. My ending also isn't the same as the film so please note that in mind! Thank you :)

(y/n) - your name
(y/h/c) - your hair colour
(y/e/c) - your eye colour


Your POV

This was it. Our plan to save Minho was in full action.

Me and Fry were hiding behind a bush, Newt doing the same just in the bush in front.

"What if this don't work?" I whispered to Fry

"Then we're screwed?" He whispered back

I nodded "nice, great to know that you have so much faith in the plan" I whispered

"Sorry (y/n) just nervous" he whispered back

"Yeah.. you and me both" I whispered back

We heard the train sound on the rails and we both shared a look mixed with excitement and we're gonna die.

After gunshots and cars we heard the whistle from Thomas to signal for Newt then he called both our names and I set my gun and we both legged it to the front of the bit of the train that has been detached and waited for the guards to come while Newt burnt through the lock of one of the cabins.

After a few minutes of shooting they disappeared when they saw the helicopter and we all went away to a safer place

We went into the cabin to look for Minho but instead found Sonya and Aris

I went to the the back and looked back at Newt and Thomas

"He's not here" I said

We set everyone free and then asked Sonya and Aris what happened

"Why wasn't Minho with you?" Thomas asked

"He got separated from us" Aris explained

"Where are they taking him?" Thomas asked

"No idea they just kept mentioning some city, I'm assuming he's going there with the others" Aris said

"How many others?" Newt asked

"Too many to count" he replied

"I thought there was no cities left?" I said confused

"Theres not it's impossible" Brenda said

"Oh there is" Jorge said coming into the room

"What?" Thomas asked

"The last city, where WCKD did all their work, of course if it's still standing that is" he said

We all got a map out and Thomas pointed to a spot where he obviously thought it would be

"That's got to be it, it would explain the train as main access to get there" he said "we could leave now and get Minho then be back within a week"

"This is insane" Vince said

"Vince we can't leave him behind" Thomas said

"Yeah but it took us 6 months to get here! It's going to take even longer to get there and back" he said

Then we heard helicopters nearby and shut off all the lights to make the place look abandoned as we couldn't let WCKD find us.

Thomas said he would drop it after our close call but me and Newt decided he dropped it too quickly for our liking and stayed up along with Fry to see if our theory was right.

Of course it was though

After everyone had gone to bed, we heard Thomas walk out and Newt turnt on the light

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked

"Getting Minho and I'm going alone" Thomas said

"Now don't be a twat about this ok we'll do this together" he said

"This isn't going to be easy Newt" Thomas said

"Well then we're gonna need all the help we can get" he replied and opened the door to reveal Fry sat in the drivers seat

"Well what about (y/n)? You'd never just leave her" Thomas asked

I grabbed my gun and walked from behind the car
"Come on Thomas, you really didn't think you'd be doing this with out me did you?"

"Guys there's no guarantee we'll make it back from this" he said

"Well we started this together, may as well end it that way too" Newt replied and we got in and started our journey

We drove for hours and I must have slept because I woke up and the sun was up

We stopped outside a dark tunnel and tried to look for another alternative

"I don't want to spread the negativity but if I were a crank, that's exactly where I'd go" Newt said

I stared at the tunnel then looked for another way around

"It's the only way" Thomas said looking at the map

"Alright I'll get the shotgun" Newt replied and me and Fry smiled at his comment

We got back into the car and I rolled up my window

Me and Thomas sat at the back with Frypan drove and Newt looked out for cranks

Just then we saw one, just stood there. Fry stoped the car and looked at us all as Newt turnt off the torch

"What do we do?" Fry asked

"Just go, it's only one" Thomas said unsure

Then before we could go anywhere a woman appeared on Thomas's side screaming to let her in

Me and Thomas shared a look just as a crank came banging on my side making me jump out of my skin

Then a while swarm of the buggers appeared screaming and doing cranky things

"Go Fry go!!!!" Thomas yelled and Fry shot foward

But the crank on my side was still clinging onto the car and banging the glass, Fry noticed and told us all the brace ourselves as he bashed into something making it fall off

"Frypan watch out!!" I yelled as he bashed into something else by accident making the car topple over

We all coughed and I rubbed my head

"Nice one Fry" Thomas remarked

Newt looked round to me
"You alright love?"

"Yeah I'm good, you?" I asked

"I'm grand" he replied

"Brilliant" I said

Thomas managed to crawl out and open one of the doors, we all got out but Fry as when he was about to the cranks decided to make a return and he disappeared back inside

After minutes if yelling for Fry to hurry up we make a run for it just to find ourselves cornered by the cranks

Just as we thought that was it, a car came to our rescue...

To be continued...


Just want to say a huge thank you for all your votes and comments!! You're all amazing!!!!


Thank you!!! Xxxxxxxxx

TBS imagines Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora