Thomas ~ Broken Promises *unedited*

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Warnings: fluff, swearing

(y/n) - your name
(y/h/c) - your hair colour
(y/e/c) - your eye colour


Thomas POV

Why did I walk away? Why did I listen to my girlfriend over my bestfriend? Maybe I didn't want her as a bestfriend who knows.

I was sat in my flat staring at a picture of me and my ex bestfriend (y/n). We were friends since children at school and as the years went on we became very close although now were not talking I feel like I may have wanted us to be more than friends...

*Age 7*

Me and (y/n) were laughing and joking around like idiots, once we stopped we started talking about our friendship and how we've been friends for so long

"Well I promise to be friends forever as I can't lose you now" I grinned to her

"Same here Tommy same here" she smiled

Well how that promise broke.

All my fault though, when I turnt 18 my mum threw a party obviously (y/n) was invited and so was my girlfriend at the time Isabella

But Isabella got jealous that me and (y/n) was so close at the party and she told me to not talk to her and because I though I loved her I did but when (y/n) asked me why I was being so off with her a week later I said that Isabella was awkward about our friendship and (y/n) got upset about it


"So your now choosing between her and me. Nice Thomas good to know that all them years of friendship meant nothing to you" she said with tears in her eyes

"(y/n).. I never said that" I said not wanting to break in front of her

"Oh really? Because it seems like you are" she snapped

"I'm just trying to do the right thing!" I sighed

"Well don't worry. You don't need to worry about me no more. Hope Isabella is pleased now because we're done" she said and walked away

"No (y/n) wait!" I called but she didn't stop she didn't even look around

"(Y/N)!!" I yelled but she continued and that was it

After that we never spoke, I carried on with my acting and she did her singing and acting and that was that.

After two years me and Isabella split as she cheated and I felt awful for letting (y/n) go and I missed her incredibly.

I would always go on her Instagram and look at what she had being doing, she grew into a beautiful woman, her mid length (y/h/c) hair and bright (y/e/c) eyes that sparked

She mainly posted of her friends or dog's and her career. The amount of times I almost called her or messaged her was just un countable

Even on her birthday when she would post about her parties and I would always be tempted to wish her happy birthday.

We were now 22 and I was with Dylan watching TV

"Wasn't it (y/n)"s birthday last week?" He asked

"Yep" I said

"And did you wish her happy birthday" he asked

"Nope" I replied and he sighed

"Right we're watching something." He said and got a album out his jacket

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