Newt - Saved (Request) *unedited*

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Hey guys!!! Sorry for the long wait I've been sorting stuff out for my prom which is today eeek!!!

Anyways this is a request from Claceisawesome I'm so sorry I know you requested this ages ago!!! Hopefully this makes up for and enjoy!!!!

Warnings: violence and fluff

Requests: Open! Will be closed this weekend so if you have any ideas let me know but they may take a long time as I'm going away for 2 weeks so won't be able to upload anything!!!! I leave on the 9th :)

The name Liv is being used in this imagine as requested!


Liv's POV

"Come on guys hurry!!!!!" Chuck yelled from a distance

I looked back to see Newt falling behind because of his limp and there was a griver on his tail. So I stopped and shoved the spear I was holding through it despite the yell from Newt telling me to stop.

But it was too late. Once I did it I realized that the griver stabbed me in the stomach

"Liv!!!!!" Newt screamed

"I'm fine!" I yelled as Minho came running over and helped me into the hall where Chuck made a safety zone

I sat down and looked at my wound to see how bad it was, which was pretty bad.

"Liv you need to get that treated" Minho said

"I'm aware of that" I said and put my hand back on it

"Treat what? I thought you said you were fine" Newt said looking back at us

"The griver stabbed her" Minho said and I slapped him

"I'll be fine" I mumbled

Just then a griver grabbed hold of Chuck and everyone rushed to his side

"Why did you do it?" Newt asked

"Because if I didn't then you would have been griver dinner" I said

"Well thank you" he said

I smiled "it's ok"

Once Chuck was free, Alby was taken.

Then we all went out to find an angry Gally as he punched Thomas

Clint checked me over but couldn't do anything as it all been ruined, he was mainly worried about loss of blood which made Newt worry.

Once we made our escape, Minho had to help me as Newt couldn't because of his limp so he was frustrated.

Half way there I was starting to feel the effects of losing so much blood and became more tired and weak.

Once we got there while they were all fighting the grivers off Newt stayed with me to keep me awake.

He was worried because of how tired and pale I was getting

"Liv stay with me we're almost there" he said watching the boys fight

Newt POV

I looked back at Liv who had her eyes shut

"Liv? Liv" I said shaking her a little

She woke up and I breathed a sigh of relief

We were only friends but I wanted more than that just didn't know about her and how she felt.

"Thomas!! There's a code! 6 numbers!!" Teresa yelled

"Minho what's the sequence?" Thomas asked

"What?" He replied

"The sections what's the sequence?" He yelled

As Minho yelled the numbers of thr sequence out i looked back at Liv who looked like she was daydreaming

"Right come on one last push" I said

She shook her head "I can't, it hurts too much"

"No Liv you can ok you're only in this state because you saved my life so please let me save yours" I told her

She sighed but nodded and I helped her stand up as Thomas came running over and took her other arm to help

Once we got there the door shut behind us where we were then introduced to a corridor which lead us to another room where it looked like all the operations happened, we were then shown a video from someone called Ava Paige. She explained what why we were put through the maze and also said it wasn't over as more tests had to be run.

Once we decided to make out exit a stung Gally appeared saying we couldn't leave and pointed a gun at Thomas

Me and Liv was at the back because I didn't want her getting shot by the bastard.

Once he did shoot he caught Chuck instead of Thomas just has Minho put a spear in his chest.

As Chuck died Liv was now devastated as they were close but we all got ushered out into a helicopter where they asked what had happened to Liv and that she needed help quickly as she may die which obviously threw us all into panic.

Once we got to the destination Liv was wisked off and none of us saw her or Teresa for a few days. I was worried, wondering if she survived or if she didn't

But when Thomas uncovered that it was still WCKD we had to escape but first find the girls. We bumped into the a doctor and demanded for her to take us to them.

Once we got there Thomas found Teresa and I hunted for Liv. When I finally found her I thought she was dead for a split second before realising she was breathing and the colour had returned to her face

I rushed to her side and gently shook her and she slowly woke up, a little dazed.

"Newt? What are you doing here?" She asked

"Saving you" I replied detaching her from a machine

"Why what's going on?" She asked

"I'll explain later, how's your wound?" I asked her

"Better" she replied and sat up

"Think you can walk?" I asked

She nodded "you ok?"

I looked at her "shouldn't I be the one asking that question?"

"Well you seem down" she replied

"I was just worried" I told her

"You don't need to worry" she said

"Well I did, they wouldn't tell me anything I didn't know if you were alive or not, I would have felt awful if I was the reason you died" I ranted quitely

She took my hand and smiled
"Even if I did die it would have been worth it"

I don't know here it came from but I just felt the urge to kiss her. So I did. She kissed me back which was always a good sign and after our little moment we smiled and and heard Thomas yell for us to go so with my help she stood up and we both made our way with the rest of the group out towards freedom where we hoped we'd be safe so we could all get on with our lives.

But until then I'd make it my priority to keep Liv safe.


That's a wrap!! Hope you all liked it! :)

And a special thank you to Claceisawesome for the suggestion!! I hope you enjoyed it especially!


Thank you all!!!!

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