Whitey Winn - A Not So Simple Love pt.3 *unedited*

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Hey all!!! How is everyone?

Hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you for the love on this idea! Your all the best!

(y/n) - your name


Your POV

"Wait what? You married one?" I asked

"Here's the thing, everyone is said to have that one person how you'll spend the rest of your life with, turns out mine was dead but that didn't stop us. I met him almost 80 years ago now, we got married by my old friend who was a vicar and could see ghosts. After the wedding we lived happily together until a message was sent down from paradise saying we couldn't stay like this but we could be given the option to make him alive again if we truly felt like we were soulmates but the problem was we had to find eachother again as they would end up where they died" she explained

"Did you do it?" I asked

"No because if we did he would have ended up in Japan" she said

"Oh, wouldn't he have remembered you were here and come here?" I asked

"You'd think so but no, he would just remember me and not where I am" she replied

"That must be hard on you" I said

"Yeah it can be especially because everyone thinks you're a loner" she said "now you listen here love, if your friend turns out to be more, a lot more don't hold back, have faith ok"

After that we said our goodbyes and she left me thinking about everything while doing this I found myself wondering into the graveyard and that's when I saw it.

His tombstone or in this case a wooden cross which made it even more real.

When we hung out it was always the most fun, we always laughed, he even told me that it was like he was almost upset that he wasn't born nowadays.

I don't know. Was I falling for a ghost, was I really?

I couldn't jump to conclusions what if he only sees me as a friend maybe he doesn't even want to think it could be more. I don't blame him after all how would it work?

Then it hit me.

if we truly felt like we were soulmates but the problem was we had to find eachother again as they would end up where they died

He said he died in the war, which took place here... Which means he must have died here

I had to find him right now

I ran back towards to town where I bumped into Erin

"Hey (y/n) where are you of to in such a rush" she smiled

"Um I- well I'm hungry so I'm going to the shop" I lied

"Oh well I'll come with you" she said

"Oh you don't need to do that, besides I have to get home for mum" I said

"Oh ok maybe another day then?" She said

I smiled "yeah definitely"

We waved and walked away

I walked quickly back home and found mum wasn't there

I checked the time it was getting on for the evening, I went and sat out on the decking in hope of Whitey popping round because even though I knew I had to talk to him I also knew that I can't find a ghost so I decided to just wait. He'll come by eventually...right?

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