Whitey Winn ~ Mystery Girl *unedited*

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Just in case you haven't watched it yet, Whitey Winn is a character that Thomas plays in Godless :)

Warnings: aggression xD

(y/n) - your name
(y/l/n) - your last name
(y/e/c) - your eye colour
(y/h/c) - your hair colour


Whitey POV

I walked into the store and smiled at the man and his wife in there
"How are y'all?" I asked

"Good thanks Whitey, what can I do for ya?" The old man asked

"Well" I said looking around but something or someone caught my eye outside

She had long (y/h/c) and had an angelic smile that had already made my day better

"Who's that?" I asked nodding to her

The old man looked out the window and smiled

"That is (y/n) (y/l/n) my boy, the sweetest girl around although she's a bit of a mystery" he said

"Oh really? How come?" I asked interested in this (y/n) girl

"She lost her father in the mine accident and her mother later died" he said

"Oh her mother was beautiful just like her, a real angel she was, of course her father was lucky to meet her" his wife joined in

"What happened to her mother?" I asked

"Well after the accident, her mother became depressed and she was a different woman really, (y/n) went to go stay with her mother's bestfriend ya know Louise's mother and when (y/n) came home, she was dead, the sheriff said she shot herself." The woman explained

Louise was a girl that was crushing on me, yeah she was pretty but her personality was nothing like I liked so I keep her at bay.

"Yet she's still smiling" I said looking back at her

"Bravest girl around here" he said

"So whys she a mystery?" I asked

"She's never opened up to anyone and tends to be out on her horse all day then comes back in the evening or she stays with Louise" the man's wife said

I nodded thoughtfully when I looked back outside she was frowning and the guy that was talking to her seemed drunk

"Um could ya send the Sheriff some drinks, I've got a damsil in distress" I smirked nodded my thanks and walked out

Luckily I knew the guy who was harrasing her
"Jamie Longbern! How are ya?" I called and made my way over

"Aye Whitey! Good to see ya boy!" He said clearly drunk

"Heavy night?" I asked looking at him

"Yeah, I was j-just tellin this lovely girl here about it" he said slurred

"Well how about you get some rest yeah?" I said patting hi shoulder

He nodded "yeah I better, see ya around deputy" he said and stumbled away

(y/n) let a sigh of relief as her gorgeous (y/e/c) looked at me

"Thank you.. Whitey?" She said unsure

"Yeah, well he can be a bit full on" I smiled

She raised an eyebrow "yeah I've worked out" she said looking at Jamie who was stumbling on home "I'm (y/n) by the way" she smiled

"Well it's lovely to meet you (y/n)" I said

"Lovely to meet you too Whitey" she grinned

"(y/n)!!!!" Someone called

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