Newt ~ The Scorch (pt.2 to The Maze) *unedited*

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Warnings: fighting, few naughty words and of course fluff :)

(y/n) - your name
(y/h/c) - your hair colour
(y/e/c) - your eye colour


Your POV

As the helicopter landed, we were all rushed out and into a huge building, there were screams from strange creatures outside and men shooting out into the desert.

Newt gripped onto my hand like I was gonna be swept away, but I didn't mind

When we got inside we were taken to a room and told to wait there till someone comes and gets us. Inside the room was a huge table filled with food, of course we all pounced onto it but after a few bites and food fight broke out causing the only bit of fun we had all had in a while.

After that we all sat down wondering what was going to happen next, if the sun ruined the earth and a plague was wiping out the human race, where would we go?

After about an hour someone called Janson came to get us, he said that this was were we would be staying for now, he told us the have showers and then see doctors to check us over.

After all the me and Teresa were whisked away to another room where we were given more injections, after that they said I was free to go but Teresa had to have more tests.

So I left and was lead to the hall where groups of people were sat talking and laughing

Girls and boys

Minho came over and smiled

"Hey Minho, what's happening?" I asked

"Turns out we weren't the only maze! Everyone here went through the same as us, anyway Newts been going crazy so I suggest you come assure him your fine" he said chuckling

I smiled and followed him to a table where Thomas, Newt, Minho, Winston and Frypan were, also two boys I didn't recognise.

"Hey (y/n)" Fry said grinning

"Hey Fry" I smiled back sitting next to Newt

"What happened?" Newt asked with a hint of concern

"They just needed to give us more injections as we're girls" I said rolling my eyes

"Where's Teresa?" Thomas asked

I shrugged "they said she needed more tests"

After the two unknown boys explained that no one had been here long but one who was here for a week, he sat alone with his hood up not making any contact

Then Janson came in explaining how he would be taking people away to the safe place and when he read out the names we were all sent to our rooms

Luckily I was with the boys, they did ask me if I wanted to be in a separate room but I said no as I trusted them boys more than anything

In the morning we all listened to Thomas as he explained his little adventure last night where he saw 'bodies' being taken into a room and never came back out, of course it sent him into panic mode and he wanted to investigate further by taking a card from one of the guards and later on he went to investigate with his new buddie Aris.

When he came back he gave the alarming news of bodies being strung up and drained, then he told us it was still WCKD and it had always been WCKD.

So we made the wise decision to escape.

After finding Teresa and fighting off the WCKD crew including Janson we made our way outside into the wilderness.

We found an abandoned building where Teresa wanted to know what was happening

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