update on editing etc!

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hello!!! long time no see 🤣🤣

okay so over these past few weeks i've been re reading chapters and i really think i can add to them and maybe change some things to make them better because my writing i feel has improved over the years and i really want to make this book a lot better.

i feel there are some chapters that are rushed and some that don't have enough detail so that's my new mission for this story.

so that's what i'll be doing whenever i get a chance because adult life is a lot more packed that my teenager years ahah

i'll put 'unedited' in the chapter title or right at the top of the page and when i take it off that would mean i'm happy with the changes :)

with the requested chapters i won't change as much because obviously those are the ideas of someone else but i'll do a few tweaks if i can to them ones!

i don't know how long it's going to take lmao but hopefully it won't take too long.

so please feel free to re read those chapters when i've finished editing said chapter.

also if you've either re read your favourites or are new readers and really want something to be added or changed (not too dramatically please teehee) then also feel free to send me a message or leave it in the comment section of THIS part just so that it's easier to read through and find!

once i've done this i can really start to focus on new stuff without constantly thinking about how i could have made something else better 😁

i'll start editing today (16th March 2022)
so keep an eye out over the next few weeks!

on a side note, i'm happy to read any requests for future chapters too, again just message me or leave a comment and i'll make a note of your idea's! <33

on another side note, i hope everyone is having a great 2022 so far!
however my thoughts are with the people of Ukraine, it's completely heartbreaking to see what's been going on over there lately, my heart also goes out to all the other countries who are suffering with war right now. 💛💙

thank you for reading! xxx

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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