Newt ~ Rescue Mission *unedited*

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Warnings: upsetting themes and violence also kinda follows The Death Cure but only snippets so it won't spoil much of the film :)

(y/n) - your name
(y/h/c) - your hair colour


Newt POV

It's been 6 months, 6 months since one of my bestfriends and my girlfriend was taken by WCKD. This caused us huge amounts of stress especially when Minho and (y/n) meant so much to the group.

We were going to save them though and was almost there but we were stuck. We had reached the last city but had no idea how to get in considering our earlier attempt almost got us killed.

In the end we settled on getting Teresa to help us, and we got to Teresa with help from Gally.

Once she reluctantly agreed to help us she took out our chips, which by the way hurt like hell, and we started to get our plan together..

Your POV

"When are we getting out of here!!!!??" Minho yelled

I sighed "yelling isn't going to do anything"

"(y/n) I could have sworn I heard Thomas back in the train! Why are they taking so long to get us" Minho said sitting down

"It's probably harder than you think" I replied

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Yeah why?" I replied

"You just look pale" he said

"Likewise" I said

Just then the door opened and in came ratman
"Minho, (y/n), how are you holding up"

"We're fine" Minho snapped

"Well today is the last day, you two have proved nothing so tonight we'll be taking you away" he said smirking and then he made a swift exit

Minho looked at me
"They'd better hurry up"

I sighed "they are most likely on their way"

Teresa's POV

"We are no where near getting in!!! For all we know they could be dead by now!!" Newt huffed

"If we leave now we'll get there" Thomas said

"Janson isn't taking them till this evening" I said

"Um not helping" Fry said

"Look talking isn't going to get us in any faster so let's just leave" Gally said

"Yeah I second that" Newt said

And with that we all left.

X x X

Newt POV

We all got inside and we were hunting for both Minho and (y/n), although we weren't getting any luck, the room where they were supposed to be, they werent there.

"Teresa think where else would they be?" Thomas asked

"I don't know! I just help find the cure" she said

"You mean taking blood from immunes" Newt snapped

"Look I get your all annoyed but I did what I thought was right" she said

"If you had just stuck with the plan then we would still have them with us" Frypan said

"We have to find a cure" Teresa said

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