Thomas ~ Mornings *unedited*

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Warnings: fluffy stuff xD

(y/n) - your name
(y/e/c) - your eye colour
(y/h/c) - your hair colour


Thomas POV

I slowly woke up due to the blinding sun shine through the curtains and blinked a few times and looked to the left of me at my girlfriend who was still sleeping peacefully, her long (y/h/c) was in a bun that was all messed up and loose

I smiled, it was really the best thing ever when you wake up and one of the first things you see is the love of your life, and I know it's cheesy but it's the truth.

Me and (y/n) had been friends for years but I had always loved her, then she got with someone and they were together for 3 years when he suddenly left her leaving her broken.

I was with someone called Isobella but I ended that when I found she cheated and to be honest I was quite happy about it because now I had the chance to make (y/n) mine. So after so many years I finally got her two years ago on New year's Eve and since then we have been in a strong happy loving relationship.

I slowly got out of bed and went into the kitchen when her dog came running over to me looking for food, I gave him some and started frying some eggs and bacon

After I put them in sandwiches I made my way back to the bedroom to find (y/n) still sleeping well that's what I thought

But as soon as I sat back on the bed she mumbled "why did you leave"

"To get food" I said and watched her roll over indicating she wasn't ready to wake up yet and I smirked

"But I guess I'll have to eat these egg and bacon sandwiches all to myself" I said watching her

She rolled back over and opening one eye, revealing the bright (y/e/c) that I love

"No that's not necessary" she said

"Oh it is, lazy girls don't get good food like this" I smirked

She frowned "I'm not just any girl, but fine you want to play it like that I won't have anything. I'll starve" she smirked back knowing I couldn't let her starve and I sighed

"No that won't be necessary" I said giving her one and she beamed

"Thank you" she said and sat up as her phone started buzzing

She put down the sandwich and picked it up

"It's Jade" she said and put her on loud speaker

Jade was always a funny one, we always made fun of her as she was so over dramatic but thats what made her who she is

"What makes you think I want to talk to you at 10:30 in the morning?" (y/n) smirked

"Sorry but I'm fuming" Jade said down the phone

"Why" (y/n) grinned

"Well I went into this shop and the first thing they said was, what can I do for you girl?"

"Well you are a girl aren't you?" (y/n) asked confused while I face palmed

"(y/n) we're not girls"

(y/n) smiled and tried not to laugh "speak for yourself"

I widened my eyes at my girlfriend and she was crying with laughter

"What? Oh I didn't mean like that!!!! I just mean we're women now so why call us girls!" she exclaimed

"Jade chill ok? I'm sure he didn't mean it" (y/n) said

"Well anyway, enjoy your day"

"I will bye Jade" (y/n) said laughing

"You can't say that to someone" I said to her grinning

"That's definitely the best come back ever" she smirked picking her sandwich up again

"I have a very sarcastic girlfriend" I grinned

She slapped me "hey I'm not a girl I'm a woman" she said

And we both cracked up. Yep that's a the girl I love


What did you all think of this one? Sorry it's a bit short xD


Thank you xxxxx

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