Thomas - HAPPY NEW YEAR *unedited*

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warnings: flufffff

y/n - your name
y/f/n - your friends name
y/b/f/n - your best friends name

you smile at the sound of voices downstairs happily talking to one another, finally it was the New Year's eve party!!!

you hop out of bed after staying in there all day and quickly get changed into the outfit you picked out last night which you got especially for today.

once you're ready, you glance down at the shining diamond on your left hand and smile sadly. your fiancé Thomas got held up in traffic and there was a big chance you weren't going to get to see him tonight which really sucked considering it was your first new year together as a engaged couple.

but you decided you weren't going to let that ruin your night so plaster a bright smile onto your face and head downstairs, where you were greeted by some friends, family and your roommate/bestfriend.

"wow you look amazing!!!" your bestfriend says smiling

"as do you" you smile back

"so are you ready for tonight's party fun?" y/b/f/n quizzes

"as ready as i'll ever be" you reply "how's the food coming along?"

"getting there, some stuff is still in the oven" y/b/f/n says thoughtfully "which i should probably go check on"

you nod "yeah probably"

y/b/f/n rushes off towards the kitchen leaving you to mingle with everyone.

the night went on rather quickly as everyone danced and just had fun, an hour before the big hour you noticed a few people were drunk, you hadn't drunk much so you were sober enough to see the new year in.

but as that hour neared it dawned on you more how you were seeing the new year in without the person you really want to see it in with.

you escaped to the kitchen where you found one of your friends

"trying to get away from the craziness?" y/f/n asked

you nod "yeah i'm not that big on parties to be honest"

"ahh so it was all down to y/b/f/n" y/f/n laughed

"of course" you smile

"where's your man?"

"stuck in traffic i believe" you say

"so you're missing him then?" y/f/n asks

"i haven't seen him in a few weeks so yeah" you reply

"well don't lose hope, he still might show, you've got over half an hour left"

"yeah that's true i guess" you reply not really believing a single word

after a few minutes of chatting you both go back out and rejoin the party


you run upstairs and head towards your bedroom in a bid to find your phone, you wanted to see if you had a message from Thomas, one that would say he would be back in time for midnight

you finally locate it on your bed but your heart drops when you don't see anything from him.

you sigh loudly and glance towards your window looking at the moon shining brightly in the sky, like it was mocking you for being sad on New Year's Eve.

you put your phone on your bedside table and make your way to the door, almost 5 minutes until the new year.

you go back downstairs where people were gathered outside ready for the fireworks to go off

"still nothing?" y/b/f/n asks

you nod

"it'll be okay" y/b/f/n says sympathetically

you both head out as everyone gets ready for the big countdown

y/b/f/n goes to the front and grins at everyone "ARE WE READY?!"

a loud YEAH was shouted by your friends




you look around seeing everyone smiling and with the people they wanted to be with




you feel a pair of arms snake their way around your waist making you sharply turn behind you to see your grinning fiancé



"Thomas!!!! you made it!!" you smile

"of course i did, i wasn't going this miss this for the world" he says







"i'm sorry it took so long to get back it was an absolute nightmare with the snow and everything" he says taking your hand


you smile "just shut up and kiss me"

he grins and placed his lips onto your and you both share the kiss you both had been wanting for all night

you pull away and hug him "Happy New Year Tommy" you say gently

"Happy New Year baby"

and you both watch the bright fireworks that were filling up the night sky and you sigh happily knowing this year was going to be the best one yet.


fairly late but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

even if 2021 is looking to be a 2020 pt 2🤣🤣

updates will be slow as i'm thinking and making a list of new ideas for this book, so please feel free to drop by if you also have any suggestions you would like to see!!

i hope you're all well and safe!

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