Mon 13th part 5 - The Queen

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I do not own Devil May Cry and Persona, only the OCs that will appear in this story and the concept were inspired by 'Lesson Time: Never follow your teacher home' in 'Vergil's one-shots' by ZerlinaQuinn. So, I hope this turns out enjoy, my ninja clan.


("I wondered who this queen is...?") Vergil asked in his thoughts, ("If I know, it would be good to find a weak spot out of her...and then kill her when the time's right...")

The duo was forced through the door and enters into an Egyptian-themed throne room, where they saw eight other guards, four on each side, standing straight as they saw the queen standing on the throne, which captures the half demon's attention.
("Wait a minute...isn't that the lady I met earlier?") Vergil asked as he remembered the woman...


The woman has dark blue hair covering her left side of her face and puts up in a ponytail tied up with black hair band, pale skin and brown eye, though he can't see the other eye due to her bangs. She wears a wet turtleneck-jumper that is red, dark grey leather gloves, a white dress underneath her jumper with black stripes, dark grey leggings and black boots.

The woman noticed him staring at her, which he caught and quickly looks away. The woman blushed a bit as she looks away as well, then she glances at Vergil and timidly asks, " forgot your raining equipment too?"

Vergil sighs and nodded, which made the woman smiled softly. "Umm...what's your name?"
"...Why are you asking me this?"
"Umm...! Well...I...I'm just curious...that's all..." The woman admitted it shyly as she looks at him down to top and looks away, making Vergil sighs.
"That's my name, Vergil," He told her.

(Flashback end)

("But...that's not she?") Vergil thought as he looks at the queen, (" can't be her... She...")

"What do we have here?" The queen asked as she stands up. She looks exactly like the blue-haired woman, with a few differences.

Her hair is let down and stops to lower back as well as her bangs aren't covering her left side, showing a strange black mark with glowing purple bits on it as well as having creepy, yellow eyes instead of brown and finally, her outfit isn't what she originally what she wears. She wears a yellowish-white dress and golden accessories that give off an ancient Egyptian queen look to her.
"Who dares trespass my palace?" The woman asked coldly.
"I-" Suddenly, Vergil got interrupted by...
"SHUT UP YOU BITCH!" Jerome shouted at her, catching Vergil and everybody off-guard, "What the hell is this bullshit!? When this is over, I'm gonna beat the living shit out of you!"

"'re Jerome..." The queen shook as her eyes widen in fear and steps back a bit, then she grits her teeth and panics as tears start to form in her eyes, "ST-STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!!! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILLLLLLLLL HIIIIIIMMMMM!!!!"
"Wa-what?!" Jerome shouted as one of the guards knock him on the floor and getting ready to stab him with a spear, "V-VERGIL!!! HELP!!!"

"JEROME!!!" Vergil shouted back as he was about to touch Jerome, until he was grabbed by another guard and slams into a wall, "Gah!"
"...Guards...don't kill them..." The queen ordered them, and then...she gives off a wide, nightmarish-looking grin and wide eyes, "...Yet..."

Then the queen stares down Jerome as she walks up to him, kneel down and ruthlessly grabs him by the hair very...VERY hard.
"AHHHHH!" Jerome screamed in pain.
"..." The woman smirked maliciously, "Knife! Now!"

One of the other guards gave her a small golden knife and she puts it dangerously close to his nose.
"...Now...let's see if you enjoy having scars like I do..." She asked creepily as she slashes his nose.
"Jerome!" Vergil screamed out loud, completely losing his cool as Jerome's nose starts bleeding from the scar.
"AHHHHHHHH!!!" Jerome screamed as the guard lets him go, which made the brunette to cover his scarred nose with his hands and slowly stands up, but the queen punches him in the eye, causing him to collapses to the floor, "GAH!!!"

The queen stomps her feet against his back.
"I'm gonna torment you...THE SAME YOU TORMENT ME YOU BASTARD!!!" The queen shouted at him.
"...C...Cara..." Jerome spoke weakly as he looks at the woman, named Cara, very weakly.

("...I...I have to do something...") Vergil thought as he tried to use his devil trigger, but nothing happens, ("Damn it! For some reason...I...I can't use any of my demonic powers here!")

"Are thou really going to let him die?"
("Wait...that voice... Agatha?!") Vergil thought as he looks up and saw a glowing blue butterfly flying over him.
"It looks liketh thou're in big troubleth now," The voice said, coming from the butterfly, "But an thou can seeth me, then thither is hope. Thus...I wilt grant thou... thy first persona."
("Wait, a-") Vergil's eyes suddenly turned yellow and start screaming out of pain, thus catching everyone off guard.

"VERGIL!!!" Jerome shouted in panic.

"Are you really gonna let your own friend die because of your own selfishness?!" A voice shouted at him, making the headache more painfully.
"AHHHHHHH!!!" Vergil screams in agony, "Wh-who are you?!"
"I'M YOU!!!" The deep, intimating and masculine voice yelled at him angrily, causing more pain.
"I'M YOU, YOU FOOL!!! Look at yourself!" The voice yelled at him with pure anger, "Letting an ally died because of your own weakness! It's bad enough you disgraced your father's name, but also letting the only two people you fully trusted die! You're pathetic! You're weak! Just a disgrace!!!"
"SHUT UP!!!" Vergil shouted at the voice, "How about you help me instead of fucking calling me names!!!"
"...You want to be like your father, correct?"
"Then let's formed a contract and you will gain my power..." The voice told him, "As well as redeemed your past sins!"
"...I am thou..." Vergil muttered as he slowly gets up and blue flames start to surround him.

"Wha-what the?!" Cara screamed.
"...I am the embodiment of fear... I shall defeat any enemies who dare block my Date Masamune!" The voice and Vergil shouted at the same time.

Then a blue flaming sword appeared in Vergil's hand and stabs himself with it, causing a burst of flames and wind happening.
"Wha...what the hell is this?!" Cara shouted in shock.
"...Ver...gil?" Jerome asked in shock as the flames start to calm down.

Vergil suddenly wears light-weighted, blue samurai armour and a strange, ghostly figure that has a figure of a traditional samurai with blue and black armour with a crescent-moon-bearing helmet and a sword.

"No way...he...he has a persona too..." A mysterious voice said in shock as they are hiding behind the pillar, watching the scene. "I should-"

"GUARDS KILL HIM!!!" The queen shouted in a tantrum as the two guards suddenly transform into Jack Frost and Incubus.
"Now then...ravish them with my power!" Masamune told him, "Teach them the true meaning of...FEAR!!!"

A/N - Yep! Vergil's persona is Date Masamune, the ruler of Japan's Azuchi-Momoyama period through the early Edo period. I thought he would suit him since he was known to be a fearsome and deadly samurai like Vergil is. So, I hope you guys enjoy this part and if you do, leave a comment and have a nice day, my ninja clan. See you next Wednesday. Kuno out!

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