Punishment. Ayato

Start from the beginning

"Listen here, you pipsqueak, I am taller that you, stronger than you and better than you, so why don't you go and find a frilly skirt to skate in because you'll need one!" Ayato was poking Yuri's shoulder with each word. But Yuri stood his ground and kicked Ayato right into the side of his head, sending surprised vampire flying to the ground. Ayato sat up on the ground, using the bench to support his back.

Yuri walked towards the vampire and pressed his foot on Ayato's shoulder.
"Now listen here, you spoiled newbie, I wouldn't trust you with bringing me a tissue, much less catching me on ice since, let me guess, you can barely stand on the skates. So go get that skirt yourself, because I'm doing the male's part!" At this point Victor came back with a nice, you guessed it, frilly skirt.

"Now now, boys, smooch each other and make up. We have lots of work to do." Victor walked past the two furious boys, throwing the skirt on Yuri's head.

"Bwahahahaha, so who's the girl now, Yuri-chan?" If murder was legal, Ayato would be dead countless times. Yes, even though he was a vampire.

"Now now, Ayato, here's one for you too." Victor threw a pink skirt towards the surprised vampire. "Now put these on and lets get started.

"I'm not wearing this!"
"Since you couldn't decide, you'll keep on switching the parts."
"Victor, wait..."

"Listen here," Victor's kind-hearted smile disappeared to reveal irritated frown.
"From the things I've heard and saw, both of you need to change your behavior for better. Ayato is a bully and so are you, so if you don't change for better good - say goodbye to my programs." Yuri clicked his tongue.

"Now then," Victor's face was back to normal. "Ayato, put on your skates and let's get started!" Yuri was fast on ice and so was Victor. Only Ayato was struggling to put his skates on.

"Yuri, show him how to do it." Yuri was about to protest, but one stern look from Victor made teenager obey. Yuri sat down on the bench next to struggling Ayato, untied his own skate and slowly laced it up once again.

"See how I did mine, now tie up yours."
"Don't tell me what to do." But with his partner's guidance, Ayato was standing on the ice. A little bit too stiff, a little bit too unstable, but he was standing...

Not for long though. Ayato tried to take his first step, but fell down right on his butt. He struggled to stand up, but couldn't keep himself up for more that five seconds.

Russian skaters stood there dumbfounded. The first one to snap out of his daze was Yuri.
"Do you really think we can work with that?"
"We have to." Victor sighed and went yo help a cursing vampire.

"Ayato, go there and take that penguin."
"It's a skating aid."
"I don't need one!" He furiously stood up, but fell down, hitting his head on the ice. Ayato stayed there for a while, groaning in pain.

"Yuri, you do your warm-up, it's going to take a while here."
"I used to skate when I was a child! I must've forgotten how." Ayato was on all four, his frilly skirt fallen in a really awkward possition, revealing Ayato's bottom. (Please note that he was also wearing his pants.)

"Ayato, don't push yourself. Here, take this penguin and try to move around."

While Yuri was warming up with his lutzes and tripple axels, Ayato was wobbly making his way around the skating rink, barely able to keep himself standing.

Victor was explaining how to move forward, how to turn around and stop. Surprisingly, Ayato was a fast learner and at the end of the first practice, he could move around without his penguin.

The next day Victor announced that Ayato has to know how to properly fall down.

"Ore-sama will not fall down ever again!"
"Even professionals fall and you just recently got a grip on how to skate without aids."

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