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"why do you always invite yourself? we don't like you." dylan says as he hands the bouncer his i.d.

"why do you always make plans without me?" zayn retorts, following his best friend and sister as they're waved inside.

"because we don't like you!" dylan yells over the music. zayn is immediately engulfed in sweaty bodies grinding to sexy tunes and different smells of different alcohols.

doniya is practically a regular here, so being the only person who knows where they're going, she leads them upstairs. it's not nearly as crowded as it was on the main floor. they sit at a two-seated table by the railing and zayn grabs a chair and sits down next to dylan.

"i'm getting drunk tonight." dylan decides with a clasp of his hands. "zayn, your our dd."

"i don't want to be the dd." zayn whines. he hasn't gotten plastered in a while and he kind of misses the feeling.

"i'll be the dd." doniya volunteers, putting an end to the argument that was about to happen. "i don't like drinking that much anyway."

dylan smiles satisfactorily and scoots down in his chair, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. he throws it on the table and says, "first round's on me."


zayn's drunk. he stopped counting after six shots. or maybe it was ten. he doesn't know.

what he does know is that he wants to be on the dance floor. alcohol is running through his veins and he feels like a lame ass watching everyone else have fun from upstairs.

zayn doesn't know where dylan is. he excused himself to go to the bathroom, but that was nearly thirty minutes ago. doniya was sitting at the bar, sipping on a fruity drink a man who fancied her bought for her.

"zay-zayn!" dylan stumbles to the table. he slowly sits himself on the chair and smirks. "i got lost."

"i can tell." zayn says.

"and there's so many people down there. like so many." dylan is looking over zayn's shoulder as he talks. zayn chuckles and turns around.

"what are you looking at?" zayn asks.

"that sexy piece of hunk who's checking me out." zayn turns around and sure enough, a few tables down, a man was eyeing dylan (not so subtly) from afar. "he is fine. go over there and be my wingman."

"what? no." there's a big pang in his chest and he can't identify it. this isn't the first time dylan had his eyes on someone attractive so zayn doesn't know why he's suddenly so irritated.

"fine. i have enough alcohol in my system. i'll be my own wingman." dylan decides and stands up, steadying himself on the table.

zayn watches him stumble over to the man and sit in the chair across from him. zayn watches dylan hold out his hand across the table and the man takes it, bringing it to his lips to kiss. zayn watches as dylan is nearly out of his chair to lean across the table. zayn watches as the man leans forward and connects their lips. zayn watches as dylan moves his head to the side and is now completely out of his chair to kiss the stranger. zayn stops watching.

he downs the shot that was still on the table before he stands up and walks to the bar where his sister is sitting. "i don't feel good." zayn tells her.

"shouldn't of drank that much." doniya says and shakes her head, as if she was saying i told you so. "i'm assuming you're ready to go home then?" zayn nods. "okay. where's dylan?"

"he's with some man." zayn says and points in the direction of them because he refuses to look. doniya follows his finger and her eyes widen a little before she cackles.

"good for him. dylan's always had good taste." doniya says.

"get him!" zayn whines and stomps his foot.

"fine, fine." she puts her hands up in surrender before stepping off the stool, leaving both her drink and the man she was talking to. doniya walks over to their table, banging on it loudly causing the two to pull apart. she waves sheepishly at the man before gesturing to dylan that it was time to go. zayn's too far away to hear him, but he knows that dylan protested just by the look on his face. they converse for a bit before dylan stands up with the help of doniya. the man also stands up and dylan walks to him, giving him one last tongue-filled kiss before letting doniya drag him off. "dylan, hold on to zayn. zayn, hold on to me." his sister demands once they reach him.

zayn tightly grabs ahold of dylan's wrist and lets doniya lead them out of the club.

"he was so hot zaynie." dylan says in zayn's ear.

"that's nice."

"and a good kisser. a really good kisser."

"shut up."

zayn had thought the car ride back to the house would be quiet. he expected dylan to crash as soon as he hit the seat. but he didn't. dylan babbled about the man he encountered that night. stephen james. even his name is hot, zayn! nobody should be that sexy.

"you guys need to be quiet." doniya tells them before she opens the door to their house. "mom and dad are asleep and so are the little girls."

"quiet. got it." dylan says. doniya nods and slowly opens the door. it's dark in the house and doniya didn't turn on a light, so when dylan tries to step into the house, he completely misses and falls. dylan bursts out into laughter and doniya throws her hands up in frustration.

"i told your dumbass to be quiet!" she whisper-yells. dylan covers his mouth but doesn't stop laughing. doniya rolls his eyes and looks at her brother. "my dd duties are officially over. you take care of this." she says and gestures to dylan before she walks up the stairs.

"shut up." is all zayn says before lightly kicking him on his side. zayn bends down to grab dylan's hands and drags him across the floor and into the living room. dylan laughs the whole time and there's no doubt that at least one of his family members are awake because of this.

zayn takes off his shoes and does the same with dylan. he strips from his pants and gestures for dylan to do the same. "what are we doing?" dylan asks and throws his pants to the side.

"we're going to bed." zayn says.

"i don't want to go to bed. sleep is for the weak!" zayn ignores him and picks him up before tossing him on the couch. dylan giggles as he watches zayn switch off the light. zayn finds his way back to the couch and lays on top of him. "zayn-"

"go to bed."

"okay." is the last thing he says before they both go to sleep.

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