chapter 61

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one day kodaline

one day kodaline

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"You stay safe. Spare your money wisely. Drive responsibly." My mom said, lecturing Adam and I as we stood at the back of the suburban.

"Mom don't worry. I did it once and I survived, I think I can do it again," I laughed, kissing her cheek.

"Okay. Tell Gus and Miles I say hello."

"I love you, boys." My dad gave us both hugs. He was sort of opposed to the idea of us missing so much school, but he caved anyways. I knew I had lots to catch up on anyway since I'd missed two years. What's another month?

"Love you too, dad."

"Adam, you listen to your brother," he said.

"Okay," he sighed and smiled.

"Get out of here before I change my mind," my mom said, "don't do anything illegal!"

"No promises!" I called.

I pushed our suitcases and supplies into the back and closed the door, giving my parents one more hug before getting into the car.

"Okay, we're gonna pick up the guys and head to our first destination."

"Where's the first destination?" Adam asked.


We drove to Gus' and he dragged out his suitcase and pillow. He gave his parents a hug and I helped him get his stuff into the back.

"Hey Gus," I said.

"Hey, I'm all set," he smiled.

I waved at his parents and they grinned at me. Gus got in the back and I started on my way to Miles' house.

He said his parents were out of town for the week, so it was his perfect opportunity to get out without any suspicion.

"Pleasant afternoon, Mr. Miles, isn't it?" I asked him as he smiled at me, wheeling his suitcase up to the car.

"It sure is. I brought my own pillow and blanket because I wasn't sure about that."

"No that's fine. We have some but extra blankets never hurt anyone," I stated.

Miles got in beside Gus and they began talking. They've only met a few times before, so it must be awkward. This trip will hopefully pull them together.

"Where are we going first, Sebby?" Miles asked.

"That would be Connecticut, my friend."

"Hey Adam," Gus said. Adam, Gus, and Miles all started talking as I held the steering wheel in my hands.

I looked over to the passenger side, and there was Luna. She was staring out of the window, the wind blowing her beautiful brown hair. Luna turned to me and smiled, her bright green eyes were glowing with happiness and I smiled back at her.

"You ready?" Her soft voice asked as she turned up the music.

"Oh, I'm ready."

She laughed at me and put a different cassette tape into the player. Elvis began to play and she swayed her head to the music, looking at the map that was in the dash.

"This one's for you," I whispered under my breath.

    "This one's for you," I whispered under my breath

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