chapter 54

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let it go james bay

let it go james bay

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"Any questions?" Mr. Fitz smiled in satisfaction as the whole class sat there, stunned in silence.

One guy put his hand up. He was one of my old friends, sort of like my best friend.

"What's wrong with Luna?"

I breathed in deeply. "They don't know. They have been doing tests on her since she was like nine and they still have no idea what the disease is. But, it is terminal. She's been getting very sick recently. The worst I've seen her in," I said.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Sebastian."

"It's okay. I'm here for her. And I wouldn't leave her, even though I have to deal with her illness just as much as she does."

And with that, I sat down, feeling good, feeling powerful.

"Okay class. Your writing assignment has to be a personal essay, 1500 words long, no less. the assignment will be on the sheet." He handed out the papers, and I felt the regretful eyes of my friends on me for the rest of class.


At lunch, I sat by myself, like I used to, at the loser table in the corner of the cafeteria. As I ate my sandwich, I saw my friend coming up to me.

"Can I sit?" He asked.

I nodded. Miles pulled the chair out and placed down his tray, staring blankly at his food and sighing.

"Sebastian, I just want to say sorry. I know that it's too late now but, I thought I should. Since it was mostly my fault."

"It's fine. Like I said, if you hadn't have shut me out, I would never have to lead up to this point. I would probably still be depressed, still not knowing what the hell to do with my life," I said.

He shook his head. "Could you forgive me? I understand if you can't."

"Yeah I can," I said.

"You know, I know this will sound fake, but I have missed you. I regretted what I said and did to you. And when I heard you... you know, tried to kill your self, I felt like the biggest jackass on the planet."

"Why though, Miles? Like, I was depressed even before I told you guys. Why was it when I finally made the official announcement you decided, 'let's not be friends with this mental freak'?"

"That's not what it was, Sebastian. There were underlying issues with me too, which is why I did what I did. The others were just idiots who followed my footsteps because I had the 'power'."

"What were your underlying issues then, Miles?" I asked. He sighed and tried to beat around the bush.

It was weird seeing Miles after so long. His brown hair got longer, he seemed stronger. Maybe even a tiny bit taller. But he also seemed exhausted.

"I had to deal with someone who had depression in my family. It was really hard for me to deal with, and then when I heard you had it, I didn't want to go through that again. I know how I treated you. I pushed you away and made fun of you and everyone went along with it and I knew they would. And I'm so sorry."

He looked at me, really looked at me, and his eyes held so much pain, they looked like my father's eyes.

"It's okay. I'm better now. Look at me. Do I look depressed?" I said.

He cracked a small smile. "Nah you look good, actually. You got all grown up and handsome."

"Thanks. You changed a bit yourself. Have you been working out?"

Miles and I bantered on like that the rest of the day, skipping our classes to catch up. I think who I was back when I was bad, I would not have forgiven him. I was too blinded by my own self and my sadness.

I'm kind of glad that Miles apologized to me. I thought speaking to the class would give me all the closure I need, but hearing from one of my best friends say they still cared and that they were sorry, made everything so much more clear.

a/n: ANOTHER character. Do you guys like Miles? Do you think he's really sorry or he's playing a part?

I hope you guys liked it, if you did feel free to vote and comment. Ilysmmmmm


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