chapter 45

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clean eyes syml

clean eyes syml

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It pains me to say that just as I thought Luna was getting better, she was just getting progressively worse each and every passing day. Sicker, weaker, more tired. More bruises, more coughing fits, more migraines.

I have to watch it unfold right in front of my eyes, and there is nothing I can do about it.

She's currently getting blood taken and getting tested. She squeezed my hand tightly as the needle entered her arm and I rubbed my thumb across the back of her hand. This was like the third needle today and I just wanted to tell them to stop, but that wasn't my place.

"Okay, thank you, Luna. Get some rest now okay?" The doctors left and Luna was currently just laying in my chest, almost passed out. Today has been a big, long day for her full of doses and check-ups.

I rubbed her back and turned on the small TV that was mounted on the wall. She shut her eyes and I felt her breathing become deeper. She wasn't very talkative today either.

After covering her up with the blanket I kissed her forehead and left the room quietly, only to run into someone. After I processed what happened, I looked down to the boy who had fallen down.

"Oh I'm sorry," I said, sticking out my hand.

He grabbed it. "It's okay." He laughed.

"I guess I was trying to be sneaky but that didn't work," I chuckled.

"Why sneaky?" He wondered curiously as he just walked with me down the hallway.

"My girlfriend is sleeping," I said proudly. Yeah, I have a girlfriend.

"Oh, I see."

I stared at him. He had curly blonde hair that went just below his ears and brown eyes. His face was full of freckles and very pale. His cheekbones and jawline were all very defined.

"So, why are you here?" I questioned.

"My little brother just broke his leg. You?"

"My girlfriend has this disease," I said, trailing off.


"No, they don't know. The only thing they know is that um... it's terminal."

He rubbed my shoulder which made me tense up a little bit. "I'm sorry to hear that."

I just shrugged uncomfortably. "What's your name?"


"Well, I'm Sebastian," I smiled.

Augustus and I continued to talk until we got to a small little couch underneath a big window that had a nice view of the city. I looked out at New York City filled with skyscrapers and cars. The more I looked, the more it made me want to go back to the ocean, into nature. It was all so... artificial.

"So, how long have you known your girlfriend?" Augustus asked, sipping his drink that we picked up from the cafeteria.

"We met about four and a half months ago. Actually in this hospital."

"Really? Why were you here before?"

"Well, I was in the mental hospital and I always went out onto the roof at night to get a little escape. Then one night, she came onto the roof. I guess great minds think alike."

I smiled to myself remembering the first time I met Luna. I let her wear my black sweater and she had carried her IV drip all the way up the stairs with her. Always so persistent.

"That's like the best love story I've heard," he laughed at me and I smiled, biting into my sandwich.

"I actually have a girlfriend too, her name is Jamie. I met her over a year ago, we had our anniversary last week."

"Aw. That's good," I smiled warmly to him.

"So, how did you guys get so close just talking to each other in a hospital all the time for four months?"

I laughed. "Funny story actually. Me and her busted out of here and took my dad's car for a month-long joyride."

Augustus burst out loud laughing and it took him awhile before he sobered up.

"You're telling me you escaped the hospital, took your dad's car and stole some girl?"

I nodded. "But she wanted to go so it's okay." I smiled.

"Well, where the hell did you go?" He laughed.

"We drove across the country. We went to Oregon and Idaho and Wyoming and California. All sorts of places. It was honestly the best time of my life."

"Wow. That's kinda cute actually, I can't really stand it. The way I met mine was kinda boring, she just asked me for my homework."

I chuckled and balled up the plastic wrap that my sandwich was wrapped in. I just sat in silence with Augustus but it was nice. I haven't had someone else to talk to for so long, not a guy friend anyway. It was sort of refreshing to have a new friend.

"Oh, I gotta go," he said, looking at his phone, "that's my mom. I guess my brother is all patched up."

"I hope he gets better soon."

"Thanks, Sebastian. I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, I'd like that."

a/n: ANOTHER character introduced. Do you guys like Augustus? Let me knowww. I sure like him 😋

Thanks for reading.

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