chapter 9

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younger ruel

younger ruel

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Sebastian had told me he would be back on Monday at around lunchtime, so I made my way down to the mental hospital, my IV drip at my side as I strolled the sterile halls. To say I was excited to see him was an understatement.

Sebastian was sitting at a table, his eyes bloodshot as he furiously wrote in his notebook.

"Hey," I spoke calmly. He stopped, his pen quivering in his hand. Sebastian looked up at me, his blue eyes piercing through my mind. It looked like he was just staring right through me.

Like a heavy storm on an ocean, his eyes eventually became placid and he shut his book and smiled, he softened up.

"How was your visit to home?" I asked him timidly.

He was quiet for a few moments, searching for the right words in his mind. "It was good. But the most terrible thing at the same time."

"Why's that?"

"Well, I was so happy for the whole weekend. I didn't have any anxiety attacks, until the last day of course when my parents told me I couldn't stay home. Apparently, I'm still 'too sick' to come home," he explained, rubbing his temples with his fingers.

"Well, that's awful. I'm sorry Sebastian."

"And you should've seen my little brother's face, he was heartbroken. God, I hate my parents sometimes," he sighed, shaking his head and staring out the window.

I was never good at giving comfort to those who needed it, or I guess I never really knew what to do, so I stretched my hand out and rubbed his shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze.

He looked up, his eyes softened, his tension fading away. "Thank you," he smiled.

I stared at Sebastian as he looked out of the window. The sun shined on him, making him look even more like an angel. His black locks draped across his forehead so effortlessly but looked so good. How could messy hair look good on anyone? He made it work. Like, Sebastian could seriously make it work.

Each one of his freckles was like a little star, making constellations on his skin, and for some reason, I was determined to count and remember each one.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He chuckled.

"Like what?" I blushed and looked away, rubbing the smile off my face with my hand.

He cracked a smile through his lips. "Just, I don't know."

"Sorry, sorry," I said, looking down at my hands and smiling. When I looked up again, he was already staring back, a smirk playing on his lips.


A door shut behind me and I knew the figure instantly.

Sebastian made his way through the dark and came up beside me, sitting on the ledge. The stars were out tonight.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked, his voice raspy. He must've just woken up, and it was the most amazing thing ever.

"No. You?"

"I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. I wanted to talk to you and I had a feeling you'd be out here on a night like tonight," he said. I could see his smile through the darkness.

"Who wouldn't?" I asked. "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Well." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, something he'd never done before. The small gesture made me blush, luckily it was too dark for him to see. "You know how badly we both want to leave, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it sucks here. I would give anything to leave. But what are you getting at?"

"Well, Luna Matthews, it just so happens that right down there in that parking lot is a car that I have the keys to." He pointed his fingers down below us.

"And what does that mean? Why do you even have a car?"

"My parents felt guilty and let me drive myself back, they still haven't come to pick it up. And it means we have the perfect chance to run away. To leave this place and go on an adventure. Just like we've been dreaming about our whole lives." Sebastian spoke with a passion I've always loved.

"Sebastian we can't just leave. What about our families, they will be worried sick."

"Who cares? If they hardly visit, what harm is it going to be if we leave?" He asked.

What Sebastian was saying to me sounded like something a crazy person might say. Maybe I was crazy too because I was intrigued.

"Where would we go? What money do we have?"

"We will just get in the car and drive. And I can go to my house before we leave and get the savings that I hid under my bed, they are probably still there."

"This is absolutely insane," I laughed as I got off the ledge and started pacing around, my hands on my forehead.

"Crazy enough to work?"

He smiled at me, his daunting blue eyes casting a spell on me. My common sense and human decency were telling me not to go, but there was something deeper inside, something screaming louder than anything else, just go with him.

"Okay. Let's get out of here."


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