We Hurt The Ones We Love

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By such-a-common-girl on Tumblr

You should’ve known this was coming.

The minute Merle showed up again, you should have expected this. You should have been preparing yourself for what you knew was to come. Merle was undoubtedly a bad influence on Daryl, and not a great brother, either. You had really hoped that Daryl would realize this. You convinced yourself that everything was going to be fine, that Daryl wouldn’t leave you. He loves you. You’ve been more of a family member, more caring and loving to Daryl than any of his actual family members had ever been.

“I’m goin’ with him.” Daryl told you, approaching you while you washed clothes.

“I’m sorry?” You’re not sure you heard him correctly.

“He’s my brother. I have to go with ‘em.”

“Daryl…” You get up from the water, wiping the sweat off your forehead. You go to walk closer to him, but he backs away.

“Y/N, no. I’m goin’ and that’s final. Don’t try and convince me not to.”

And that was it. He left without a second thought. It hurt, it really hurt. He was the only person you truly cared about at the prison, and he had let you know several times that you were the only person he cared about, too. He used to tell you that everything he does to help the group, everything he does to survive was for you. But that all seemed like lies now. He was gone.

You had first met when you showed up at Hershel’s farm one day. You had been on your own since the beginning of the outbreak, finding ways to survive. You were giving up, and if you hadn’t stumbled across the farm that day, you would have probably died of a mixture of starvation, dehydration, and exhaustion. You had walked onto the yard and passed out. When you woke up, you were in a room strapped to a bed, being questioned by Rick.

You apparently passed his tests, because he let you stay. Everyone was weary of you at first, but once they saw how good of a hunter you were, they grew accustomed to you. They had always joked about how you gave Daryl a run for his money. That’s actually how you two started to get close in the first place- you’d go hunting for food together.

Although you two were “together” long before you came to the prison, it became official once you arrived there. There had been a lot of sexual tension between the two of you, but of course he hadn’t ever made a move. He was too shy for that. So one night, while you were both on night watch, you finally confessed your feelings for him and you two slept together. It was the first time you’d said you loved each other, and he asked you to be his girlfriend. It was a night you’d never forget.

But not that any of this matters anymore, you think. Daryl left without a second thought. He didn’t think about what you would think, how you would feel. No, he just left you to leave with a man who hadn’t ever been a good brother to him in the first place. The guy had left Daryl at home to be beaten by his father, for God’s sake.

You’re pissed, and you feel utterly and completely alone. You had “friends”, sure. The entire group were your friends and you all cared about each other.  But this was different. Your heart was breaking in a way that friends couldn’t help.

You roll out of your bed, waking up for the day. You were supposed to help Beth out with Judith today, and you were sure that you had probably overslept. You quickly changed into your normal attire, jeans, a shirt, and boots, and you walked over to the “kitchen” to grab some breakfast. It was certainly not the breakfast you would have eaten before all of this, but you’re just happy to have food.

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