"Alright, boys let's get the supplies inside and get ready to eat!" He yelled to the rest of the people standing around us.

"Yes, sir!" They all yelled in unison. Negan turned on his heel and faced me with no emotions on his face.

"We have unfinished business." He said coldly he walked past me brushing my shoulder. I close my eyes and breath in quickly before turning to follow him. We walked inside and down the hall closer to my room. But he quickly turned down another hall I don't think I've been down before. He opens a door and waves me in. I stepped in confused by the clothes rack of black dresses and vanity with makeup on it. I stopped in the middle and looked around at the nice dresses and heels selection on a shoe rack.

"Playtime is over sweetcheeks," Negan said stepping up to the clothing rack and looking through the dresses. He pauses at a dress and turns to me with a smile. "oh, I think this one will do." He pulls a dress off and turns to me. I cringe at seeing the tight fitted dress with a deep V neck with lace.

"You have to be kidding me. How the hell do you expect me to-" I object to the idea of me in that thing.

"I do expect you to wear this. I expect you to be one of my wives. My wives wear black dresses, heels, and act respectfully." I could catch the edge in his voice. "This was your choice darling. Now get changed." He says throwing the dress at me. I could feel the heat on my face as I held back the things I wanted to call him. He clicked his tongue and smiled at me. "Come find me when you're done, I wanna see how the dress hugs your body."

I watched as he exited the room and held my breath till I heard the door click shut. I sighed and held the dress up. It felt ridiculous as I undressed and slipped into the dress and stared into the mirror. This was pathetic. Who wears dresses like this now in these times? I look at the vanity with the makeup scattered around and remember how many times I did my makeup before the walkers. I sigh and sit down in front of the mirror and look at my dirty face with the cut from the bullet on my face. Thankfully it didn't look as bad as Negan was making it seem. I take a face wipe and wipe off the dirt and dried blood. I grabbed some mascara and put a little on then some clear lip gloss just so Negan couldn't say I didn't try. I brush my hair quickly and stand up not wanting to look in the mirror to see if I looked how strange as I felt. I looked at the selection of heels and chose the one with the lowest heel which still taller than what I would have worn even before the walkers. I secured the buckles on the heel before standing.

Heel, toe, heel, toe. I repeated in my head as I confidently walked forward. This wasn't so bad as I remembered. I smiled to myself feeling accomplished but before I reached the door my ankle buckled and I fell to the ground. I sighed and tried to stand back up again. I held myself on the wall and walked more slowly toward the door. With a pull, I opened the door and slowly walked out looking each way trying to remember where we came from. I wondered shakenly through the halls till I finally found the door outside. I saw Negan standing in the dirt looking pissed as hell. I wanted to turn back around but it was too late he noticed me and I could see a calculated smile spread across his face.

"Hot damn!" Suddenly everyone stopped and looked at me. Negan pointed his bat at me with a smile. "See my abs-fucking-lutely hot wife right there? That's alright boys you can look but just don't touch." Negan marched over to me biting his lip while looking me up and grunted when he stopped in front of me. I stared him down in disgust. "How are you liking your heels sweetcheeks?"

"They're great. Can really kill some walkers in these." I said sarcastically. He chuckled and draped his arm around my bare shoulders.

"But that's why you're in here and not out there." He pointed his bat at the people setting up the walkers at the fence. I looked for Daryl but I didn't see him anywhere. I took a quick look around for Dwight but don't see him either. My mind started to wonder where he went but one of Negan's men came running over. "Sweet Jesus,  that's gonna leave such a badass scar!" He said looking at my cheek.

"Sir we're ready to start searching-" He started to say before Negan interrupted him.

"No business in front of the wife!" He yelled his face suddenly very serious. The man nodded and ran the other way back from where he came.

"What was that about?" I asked seriously looking up to Negan whose face suddenly switched back to a smile as he faced me.

"Nothing to get your panties in a twist about." He said smiling down at me. "You know what I could really go for? Some fucking cookies. Homemade, melt in your mouth, cookies. How about you be a good wife and go make some for me?" I squint my eyes at him and don't say anything. "I'll think about letting you going back to your regular clothes," He said raising his eyebrows. I could only sigh and look down at the ground. Negan waved a guy with shaggy hair and a slight build over. "How about you take my wife back to her room."

"I need a chaperone now?" I muttered under my breath. Negan tightened his grip on me and I looked back up at him.

"Can't have you running to old Daryl every time I turn my back, now can I?" He said while he smiled down at me and let go of me and started to walk away.

Lucille (The Walking Dead)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon